^^PT^^ Mon supPose to relax?
(",- -)30aug'04 Monday(- -,")
Ellox!^^ how ya doinG(- -?) *To whoEvEr is lookinG @ my blog^^
PT = physicaL TraininG^^ i wenT to Gym with niCk 2day. HaD to train up some muscle to tone up the boDy. i leaRn self-defence b4 (*as in basic of unarmed combat) and although not much sTrength is neeDed... u sTill nid to fRee youRself from some1 if he hapPens to grab u from behind^^
hmm... i tried ouT moSt of the stations theRe and haD felt the intensity of muscle tearinG... lolx. cnnT overDo.!. & muz remZ to do propeR waaRmup & doWn... ("<) is QuiTe enjoYable in the gym as i had knOw a feel friends thru' theRe. (*i quiTe sociable de... okie la.. VerY.(- 0 -") although is guyS... buT! i'm straiGht hoR^
i saW caLendar Gal... (middle of the YeaR^^ 12/2=?) & i'm chao hapPy to see her... oOps... cuZ lonG time no seE mah... she's in wakeboard & that's CooL bah^^ she told mi aloTsa thinGy abt wakeBoaRd & monday is theiR dRy traininG^^ although she got "traininG".. still can call & msg her... lolx (- -,")
btw... aFter gym we wenT to the bubble tea Opp tp & we saW liwen^^ she in the SporT's club and quiTe bz also... i also crop up wiTh my club sia... ("<) then to the hawkeR opp. TP and i aTe duck porridge... but no egg... EGGS ex sia.. priCe gone up aGain... mi and nick saW some1 who resemble ouR formeR'suPervisoR (*when we'Re workiNG @ airpoRt as waiTers... Palm's Food int'l) Got the sei lor... haha... (*sei = paTTern...) and we haD loTsa fun talkinG and laughinG togeTher... i gueSs thaT's friendship bah... "You nan tong dang.... You fu tong xiang" all can shaRe la.. *except wife... (- 0 -")
we took bus 291 and for nick is direct bus... mi i chanGed to bus38 and wenT home... then came home chaT to Calendar Gal again^^ and otheRs frenz lor... diff feelinG sia... (^ ^_ ") anyway... due to workinG ouT @ the gym.. i felt so tiRed... pOm pOm then go zZz le.. Gtg now... Gd nitewz^^