Tuesday, February 08, 2005

Gimme a reaSon.. Being loved. Yet Hurt..

Loss for woRds.. Pretty buSy and kinDa losing contRol for the diRection i'm steering in.. my ship is goNna siNk.. becuz the Captain, -me- is not in contrOl. My Life.. What's Life all about? the ppl in it? or Me in ppl life?..

The stoRy begins and gOnna end one day, sOOner or later.. Well, sinCe when i became so pessimistic?.. i had no choiCe but to bow to fate.. i'm defeated i admit. i'm giving up.. losing myself..

Well! it's time to plan ahead~ A Plan is a plan until aCtion is taken.

Lotsa thinGy haPpened.. Reflecting what i did and not done..

Well, Glad and Sad new Year is near (~~,")

Just wanNa wiSh eveRyone hapPy new Year.

Hoping that eaCh of our resolutiOn woRks.

May all dReams realise that one day miGht cOme tRue as We remain Optimistic~~

Believe in Yourself as others believe in yOu.

Hope, pRays, Says:"HapPy Days in Years to Come(^^!)"

TakecaRez all ya~~

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Trying to make full use of my time -Utilise-Went Tkd tRaining.. swimming.. running.. this and that..Now i'm injured due to overwOrk.. Like a machine.. Gotta sTop. KnOw my own limits..Went to the physician ystDay (*1St time..)

He did nOt shOw me anY meRcy.. *ouCh! woo.. arGh! but that physician juSt kept smiling.. cheeky guy hoR.. HE told me he waS a mechanical Engineer laSt time.. He toOk that diploma le, weNt out to the inDustry to wOrk for a few years.. then he tOok a detour and weNt to take chineSe medical stuDies.. anD pOof! He becOme a physician for moRe than 20Years.. Well, does it conceRn me("?) Does not!? abit.. cuz he divert my attentiOn and indeed i felt muCh better after his "tui na" (*MassaGe)
Spent $30 on "maSsage"

c(Oo,")L.. but painful experienCe.. i never going baCk there aGainz.. (*cRoss-finGers)

SchOol @ 12pm.. hehes. luCky! otherwiSe i wOnder hOw to get out of bed w/o enouGh reSt and having to go sChoOl eaRly wiTh an injured baCk (*cNnt walk that well.. Limp biSkit.)

*thx sis for maSsaging me alSo.. (*thouGh is F.O.C!) hehes.but itChy leiz.. Pain and itChy woRks well for me.. @ leaSt the pain did go awaY (*for a while..)

TakecaRez all ya


Hope i'll Get well s(Oo,")n..