Sunday, October 29, 2006


Life's full of surprise, that's why we call it the present.

With the right frame of mind, i accomplished what i wanted to do... Ok, at least for today. It's always the case when we put things till later - Procastinating. Not really sure what got into me. Later never comes until you really put your heart into doing it, as a plan is a plan until action is taken.

To me, it's not the time nor the money spent or rather invested into doing something. I believe in doing and try not to put off something till later, but setting the priorities right.

Hopefully i'll not put this off my mind.

30thOct06' (Mon)
Having Muster Parade!
Need to iron n' polish in order to attend this Parade..
Most of our company personnel have been maintaining their uniform n' recieve compliments, so i must be sure to catchup or risk getting caught-up.

All the best!! =P

Saturday, October 28, 2006

In the days to come by...

A thousand mile begins with a single step.
May love blossom through the seasons we longed for.
N' may the hundred flowers bloom,
The hundred thoughts flourish,
In the many years to come by


Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Three Cheers!! to Public Holiday(^ ^,)

To all my Muslim friends, Selamat Hari Raya!

Celebrating end of fasting month in which is something i admire as it takes more than just endurance having to fast whilst continuing the day-to-day, back-to-back job. Well, those who went through n' experience hardship will always be rewarded and as Hari Raya ("Day of Celebration") marks the day to seek forgiveness (from you) physically and spiritually", n' a time to reconcile and renew relationships with others.

Thank you all for the Well-wishes messages received n' i wish everyone good health as equivalent to prosperity! Can't wait till tomorrow when i book-in (Must reach camp before 7am) as i know everyone will still be in high-spirit because it's already Wednesday, n' Friday means book-out! (*again...) Spend my first half of the day with my sec'sch buddies (J.Quah n' Henry) n' both of them seems to walk like crippled due to their injuries (ligament n' foot respectively).

Their injuries didn't stop us from gg katong for a haircut before we took bus14 n' headed to Far East Plaza for lunch at this Indonesian Restaurant at Lvl1. Nice food they serve there but abit too spicy for me, n' the waitress there was quite sweet-looking n' she spoke to us in Indonesian language a few times.. o.O

Went around orchard area to scout for present for angel n' henry for this coming saturday, but didn't get anything till later part of the day when i went to bugis on my own. In a casual mood, i walked n' walked n' was thinking real hard what to buy for them, asking myself from time to time whether the present feasible n' worth the money? i ended up walking from 6pm-8pm+ n' got things from different shops..

Though tired but was fulfilling!
Shopping is part of my slimming session. (^ ^,)
Going to hit the gym tmr...
Hope my cough n' flu will recover soon.

Well, think i better get some rest before anything else get me.. especially my cough n' flu which is generating phlegm n' mucus n' really getting in my way through daily matters. Help!! Let me Get Well Soon! (GWS!!)

Everyone, take good care of yourself~

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Do you believe?

I believe

"If you think you could, you can.
For out of this world we find,
Success begins with a person's will.
It's all in the state of the mind
With determination set to try.

You got to think high to rise.
You've to be sure of yourself
before you can ever win a prize.
Sooner or later the man who wins
is the man who thinks he can!"


Well, my life is very simple.
Perhaps that's why i'm happy every single day, looking at this imperfect world for me to work with. Everyone live for a reason, for me is to outreach n' seek help for people who needs me. Casting my hope beyond my limits, hoping it'll brighten another soul for the day.

Life's fulfilling if you fill up other people blanks,
With hope n' a reason for them to live with.
Alas, Live life to the fullest,
For it's truly yours!

TJJ, Benson

Saturday, October 21, 2006

Always Ready, Or readily Available?

21stOct06' (Sat) 0900hrs
Well, in recent days or perhaps through the weeks working with the rest of the NCO's interacting with different recruits from all walks of lives, i realised that people is looking up to me. Although I'm glad that they are not scare of me n' keep a "lookout" for me, but i guess being overly looking up to me makes me doubly busy.

Well, i love to be pre-occupied.

Been receiving calls n' msges to do this n' that, go here n' there.. Well, through the process i do learn different things and gain insights to make decision, wisely. Competency at work can be fine-tuned to collaborate with ea. others in order to cooperate rather to compete, but i've been told that i've made myself too readily available and being make used of, and working for rather than working with one another.

Well, probably there's no clearly distinction for ea. of our jobscope from an instructors, to the adminstrative staff etc. but one thing for sure, i've been working almost around the clock. Somehow or rather i'm transforming into a workaholic due to the workload which i've been suppressing upon myself.

But i'm still happy.

At the end of the day i'd still readup a chapter of the book no matter how tired or exhausted i am, just to energize and enhance myself with motivational sources (Current: Working with Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman).

I'm always ready.

Even though the current might be flowing against me because the others is not ready, in which they tend to rely on me, but i'll be standing tall against all odds. Perhaps i'm too fast-paced. By working with others, i'm rediscovering and evaluating myself through self-assessment. Hopefully i can find my true self, in finding joy helping others not to the extend of being readily available n' being make use of...

21stOct06' (Sat)
Today going out with Vipers! Friends made during the enduring days of Recruit life~ How i miss those days but i've to move on... Most likely going Marina Sq. but i'm still figuring where to head for lunch n' spend some quality time n' catching up session with them.

Think i'll head towards Lavender first n' source for instructor badge or lanyards. Till then, Takecare of myself! Hope the haze will get better n' everyone who's affected by the haze will GWS.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Reading beyond.

Finished reading:

1) Sun Tzu "FOR SUCCESS"
How to use the art of War to master challenges and accomplish the important goals in your life by Gerald Michaelson, author of Sun Tzu: The art of war for managers.

2) How to stay SANE when your job drives you Crazy,
Naked at Work n' other fears by Paul Hellman

Con-currently, i have to work on the "Training Handout" to revise on the upcoming lesson through the BRT stage. All about - Rescue Equipment and Training Safety Regulation, - Fire Fighting, last but not least - First Aid which is one of my favorite because i even created a palm-size booklet to illustrate out-of-the-book context covering essential of First Aid which i think is left out in the training handout.

After looking through the training schedule for next week, i think i'll have to really dig deep to find time for my gym session. Almost everyday have night lesson till 9pm+ which means i might have to forgo my gym session which opens till 7pm unless you get hold of the key from the Physical Training Instructor (PTI) and return the key before 9pm to the Resource Department Room (RDR)...

Guess i have to emphasize on self-discipline to train myself at least 3times/week.
I remember practicing my TKD between 11pm-12am+ and really had a great time sweating it out... Perhaps it's good to de-stress myself in this manner, rather than going on a food-binge. I have to admit i feel hungry on recent days even after my meals... Strange.

Wish me luck for the oncoming days.
Just hope i can read beyond the notes, and/or the lines of the deception to why i feel i'm stuck on the same spot n' not getting to anywhere...

If change is the only constant,
of what harm a man can do by not doing anything,
leading him to nowhere.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The unseen.

The Basic Rescue Training (BRT) stage has arrived.

My Company, ALPHA is receiving the Physical Employment Status (PES) C recruits of which all 48 comes in all sort of sizes (Tall, short, fat, skinny) and have medical problems varying from hole in heart, weak knees etc. and also family problems. Though some of them are smart based on education wise, well-behave and soft-spoken, but on average they appear to be slow and as though experiencing jet-lag whenever a question or order is posted...

Good luck to Plt2 instructor’s a.k.a Non-Commissioner Officer's (NCOs)

These weeks have been an enduring week for me, as the workload increased having to handle the 166 recruits (Physical Training Phrase, PTP + BRT Stage Recruits). Inevitably, everyday I’ll serve as the Company Duty Instructor (CDI) as i stayed-in everyday (Mon-Fri) in order to save on transport expenses and traveling time, which is of utmost important to me.

Working with National Service First men (NSF) and Regulars really creates some sort of internal conflicts between different parties and cliques. Anything n' everything that happened during office-hours will be de-stressed after office-hours with those staying-in and as though a voicing-out session which is through a informal heart-to-heart chat.

Complaints as it may seems, but definitely some topics covered are constructive feedbacks which i suppose unless someone takes actions, otherwise i foresee the management will carry on the practice and culture. It's always advisable to be transparent, and "Speak your mind" but "Mind your words!" as the "Old birds" chirps and sing in their own tunes, whereby in their own opinion the "Younger Birds" apparently immature amateur and are working against the culture and tradition which kept them safe in the peaceful harbor that is protected through the stormy weather's until recent years.

Looking on the Brighter side of life!!
All BRTC personnel have received a goodie bag full of fire safety & protection device (Smoke detector, Fire Blanket, Security Lighting, Extinguisher etc) AND.. A $150 NTUC Voucher! Not sure due to what reason but i know i can utilise the $150 to improve the NCOs bunk.

I brought NTUC stuff totaling up to $50.
1) Wall-Clock ($7.90)
2) 3M Command Adhesive wall hanger ($4.75)
3) Iron ($24.90)
4) Ironing Board Cover ($3.90)
5) Golden Rooster Ant and Cockroaches Killer etc. ($1.85)

Think i'm going to install a Radio~(^ ^,)
Though one may do and can only do so much, but it's good to remain unseen because everyone will notice the little changes and be taken by surprise. It's always good to be giving for the good will be given one day the greatest gift of life, and continue to serve better for humanity and for the sake of mankind.

Gtg~! Will be back to update.
Going Parkway Parade with my Family for Dinner~
Well, i'm giving my time to be given the precious time to spend quality moments with my love ones, isn't that the greatest gift of life?
You bet.

All this lil's things in life is... The Unseen.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Standing Tall among all, against all Odds.

In a blink of the eyes, flash of the mind.. Three weeks has swift passed n' counting down to sending off some of the recruits for the Emergency Rescue Specialist (ERS) and FireFighter Course (FFC), and recieving the 101th intake of "Fit Squad" to undergo the Basic Rescue Training (BRT).

Well, it seems that my concurrent life revolves around serving my "sentences" as part of my National Service (NS), but hopefully i can discover myself through helping others to be a better person. Many believe everyone deserves a second chance, perhaps that's what i'm trying to do by giving the benefit of doubts in an attempt of trying to reachout to the recruits.

It's true that a rotten apple spoilts the whole basket.

Everyone portray a different personality; Playful, talkative, rebellious, blur etc. n' the never-ending list goes on in which in my opinion round-up that it's actually a reaction of "Attention-Seeker" - Problematic kids.

Serving NS is where boys becomes M.A.N
Negative side: Monstrous.Annoying.Noisy
[Putting a whole basket of spoilt/rotten apple together just can't get any better with all the foul language and knowledge plaguing the entire population.]

Positive side: Modest.Appreciative.Neutral
[By secluding the outside world while in-camp, there's much time to do some soul-searching in a less-hectic, conducive environment where you get to work with each other strength and weakness to achieve the common objective, and live through the day so amazed.]

On a lighter note, i experience managing "difficult people" thus bringing myself to a higher level of attainment through mutual understanding, whilst discovering oneself.

Personally, i realised that my
1) Resistance of tolerant level increased
2) More flexible and quick-thinking
3) Directing effective Problem-Based-Learning (PBL) as taught in my Poly
4) Able to act and respond rather than react and taken back
5) Gaining respect of who am i, not what i am.

n' the list goes on...

Readiness is our only Protection.
Nowadays, i guess the younger generation is constantly pampered and protected from stormy weather such that a lil' hardship is hard for them to swallow, so they "vomited" their agony through the Orientation Officer Dialogue (OOD).

Lil' things such as,
1) Water Parade too much water
Apparently a minority vomited though ample time was given to drink a full-bottle (1L) of water in which was required as part of the Training Safety Regulation (TSR) that individuals must consume a min. of 6-8L of H2O on normal days, and up to 10L on a hot, humid day where dehydration occurs mainly through excessive perspiration.

- Well, there have already been cases of heat-exhaustion.

2) Blanket Smells
To be realistic, and as far as the hygience is concern, all the bedsheets and blankets have been changed before and after every intake. Unless they want to blame on the humidity of S'pore which causes the room to be dampy and moisture absorbed by the blanket, then i have nothing else to say.

3) Reading Room Out-of-Bound
With regards to this matter which i have personally brought-up beforehand, there's nothing much in the reading room except for the sofa and tv set with poor reception or none for now...
i'd rather stay in bunk.

4) Why no Canteen Break!?
Fasting month period, i guess the business of the canteen has been greatly affected and significant decline in sales... Though no one can justify the source of complain as of from the recruits or canteen-owners, but one thing for sure... it's not our policy of releasing recruits for canteen breaks because it's not compulsary, neither necessary.

[- Save money, watch diet, save time doing other useful things]

Think about it.
For just barely 3weeks, we have been taking care of the recruits and going beyond our extensive job-scope as an instructor and this is what we deserved. Feedbacks or Complaints? But from what we know we've been "Shoot" or rather pin-pointed that the recruits deprive of such privileges which they don't deserve in the first place.

Well, for us? Do we even have any welfare...
I beg to differ because it's reflected upon our payslip.
I guess they have yet to learn they are in camp, not in chalet.
Till then, i hope it's not too late.

But i guess they're not ready for the real world,
filled with unprotected risks.

I told my friends,
Me: After two years what do you think you have learned through your NS life?
Friends: Don't know... i think i got stupid cuz we have to work doubly hard, getting pathetic pay..
Me: Alrighty, You're HIRED.