Monday, August 30, 2004

^^PT^^ Mon supPose to relax?

(",- -)30aug'04 Monday(- -,")
Ellox!^^ how ya doinG(- -?) *To whoEvEr is lookinG @ my blog^^
PT = physicaL TraininG^^ i wenT to Gym with niCk 2day. HaD to train up some muscle to tone up the boDy. i leaRn self-defence b4 (*as in basic of unarmed combat) and although not much sTrength is neeDed... u sTill nid to fRee youRself from some1 if he hapPens to grab u from behind^^
hmm... i tried ouT moSt of the stations theRe and haD felt the intensity of muscle tearinG... lolx. cnnT overDo.!. & muz remZ to do propeR waaRmup & doWn... ("<) is QuiTe enjoYable in the gym as i had knOw a feel friends thru' theRe. (*i quiTe sociable de... okie la.. VerY.(- 0 -") although is guyS... buT! i'm straiGht hoR^
i saW caLendar Gal... (middle of the YeaR^^ 12/2=?) & i'm chao hapPy to see her... oOps... cuZ lonG time no seE mah... she's in wakeboard & that's CooL bah^^ she told mi aloTsa thinGy abt wakeBoaRd & monday is theiR dRy traininG^^ although she got "traininG".. still can call & msg her... lolx (- -,")
btw... aFter gym we wenT to the bubble tea Opp tp & we saW liwen^^ she in the SporT's club and quiTe bz also... i also crop up wiTh my club sia... ("<) then to the hawkeR opp. TP and i aTe duck porridge... but no egg... EGGS ex sia.. priCe gone up aGain... mi and nick saW some1 who resemble ouR formeR'suPervisoR (*when we'Re workiNG @ airpoRt as waiTers... Palm's Food int'l) Got the sei lor... haha... (*sei = paTTern...) and we haD loTsa fun talkinG and laughinG togeTher... i gueSs thaT's friendship bah... "You nan tong dang.... You fu tong xiang" all can shaRe la.. *except wife... (- 0 -")
we took bus 291 and for nick is direct bus... mi i chanGed to bus38 and wenT home... then came home chaT to Calendar Gal again^^ and otheRs frenz lor... diff feelinG sia... (^ ^_ ") anyway... due to workinG ouT @ the gym.. i felt so tiRed... pOm pOm then go zZz le.. Gtg now... Gd nitewz^^

(,"- -NiCe^poSe(- -,") Posted by Hello

^^DaRRen & mi^^ Posted by Hello

Sis&Darren Posted by Hello

Family Day^^ 29Aug04'

family daY! = Father And Mother I Love You!^^sounDs familiar enuff bah(- -?) oR 1st time knOw abt this line? weLL... seems thaT i taught u sth nEw agaiN^^ lolx anywaY, SunDay is stanDard my family day de... All my family membeRs will be arD^^ eiTher eat-in or outsiDe lor... the thinG is TogetheR!^^ sth i will heLp ouT to whip out somE disH^^ can'T sEe i can cooK bah^^ duRinG Sec'sch i waS in F&N (Food&NutriTion) aloTsa thinGs hapPen anD... wa... i nid aloTsa time to wRite ouT my entiRe hisTory" lolx... if ya know mi can chaTTa wiTh mi lor... (- -,") basicaLLy i'm a fRee ThinKeR... aCceptance is aLL i know to miXeD/BlenD weLL wiTh the oTherS... iS GooD as i dun feel containeD... Gimme a BoaT & i shaLL Row, Gimme a FloaT & i shall swim... Gimmi a "nTh" & i'LL chooSe to swim... Or maYb i shouLD siNk... (- -") sOme dayS... u cauSeD mi to be aloneLy... bcuZ i caLL a few PpL by youR name... (?- -sounDs complicaTed enuFf- -?) weLL... i GueSs home swEeT home(- -,") weLL... i haD enuFF fun daY wiTh my family & i hoPe u DiD too.x!" Mon-to Sat all Coup up wiTh woRk... Sun specially ReSeRveD. Gd niteZ("z)Zzz

Sunday, August 29, 2004

Check ouT! SG IDOL! mi? Posted by Hello

Tactical Play~ Fundamental of TKD

eLLox... baCk to wRite sth new... ("- -of couRse la... then wRiTe old thinGs then nth new... haha- -") wa... i founD ouT my lameLess is geTTinG to a poinT suCh thaT i do noT nid waTeRcooLeR... to cooL myseLF yeT lookinG cooL^^ *Jokie of the Day: America invesT few billions to invent a ballpen thaT can wRite on and surface and gravity as the found out they could'nt use the cuRRenT ballpen to wRite duRinG spaCe exploration... The Russian used pencil (- -")
Yea!^^ baCk to whaT hapPeneD to mi 2daY^^ Got moRniNG caLL from my frenz @ 10am... suPpOse to meeT @ simei mrt (,"- -wheRe i live... as in Simei.. not the mrt- -,") @ 11.30am... then i reaCh le call my frenz.. he say he haVen'T reach. (*ChaNGe of plan) i wenT to p.ris and meeTUp with him and waiTed for anoTher frenz to come... (*he was laTe for 50mins... call him but "this num is cuRRently unavailable...) btw, 2day frag day? saW aloTsa ppl collectinG donaTions. (okie... my frenz came..) and he waS the SG idol!!! but nv goT in... (*Idros... u'Re still my idol eVen if u howl like a dog... oOps...) we took bus39 go yishun meeT anoTher frenz... Gal from SP 1stYr in BankinG&finance. she look okie la...(*okie=pRetty) but i 1st time meetup then forgoT to ask heR name... wasTed! anywaY, it's the courtesY to intro... buT i din. sian... she also TKD! poweR. although we din geT to know ea. other name... but we sTiLL manaGe to chaT aloTsa... but all abt TKD... (*beTTer than nth...) talkinG abt TKD... aiya.. forGot to saY i wenT to Northpoint and makan... (*iszit necessaRy to tell u?) anyway, the TKD was specta... is aLL abt tatics... but i nid aloTsa time to tell u ALL i know... to my beSt knowledge^^ is noT actually abt wiNNinG the tourament... but spoRtmenshiP plays a paRt also^^ i think martial aRts is a foRm of keePinG ouRself fit, mentally and physically. (*we Dun leARn marTial art to fight... is to pRoTecT ourselves and ouR loVe ones from any haRm or danGer...) Ppl who initiate a fight is noRmally some1 who nV fight b4... boTh paRty suRe injuried one... according to SG law... both party are wrong if they return blows to ea. other... ("- -pRepaRe aloTsa $$$ or pRepaRe to go "in" to eat curry rice...- -") thaT's y we shoulDa go inTo unaRm combat... when ppl try to hit u... COUNTER! aloTsa stances u can strike back w/o causinG haRm to the otheR peRson whiLe pRoTecTinG youRself^^ hmm... seem like i goT aloTsa to saY... i'LL cont'D whEre i go k? i wenT home @ abt 5++ pRepare myself to go for TKD traininG @ 7pm. ouR TKD... supRisingly moRe gals... (!- -thaT's y i sTiLL go foR traininG regularly... OoPs!--) we Did aloTsa stretchinG 2day... buT oveRaLL is waS fun beinG one of the few guys theRe... (*ENG everyday see GUYs aLso sian... limited gals... @ leasT i'm Straight!) guys... *whaTcan i say... is stiLL the brand old new you... (*Lyrics by westlife? or? noT suRe abt this...) 9pm++ enD the leSson... i wenT to makan and go to my frenz houSe to take foRm... for conversion to black... my CaSe abit sensitive... abit complicaTed which i would not wish to worsen it heRe... (- -,") okie la... i foRgoT i still nid to rush my proj... *sPecial tks to Lijun who taught mi how to upload pixs...^^
29Aug04' 2:18am

Saturday, August 28, 2004

new FronTier in the FaCe of a new LiFe.

ellox... it ain't my 1sT time BloGGinG and i ain't braGGinG abt it... theRe's nth to brag abt... lolx... i abit Lame and that's whaT i know... maYb moRe than abit but apologies to u if u had seen moRe than enuff craPz (- -.") anyway, life's is challenging? nah... accordingly to a book i read thru... *wOw... i can READ. lolx^^ everyDay we aRe basically doinG the same thinG... thinkinG abt the samE stuFF. huRRied heRe, huRRied theRe thaT we'Re too BZ to eVen notice life's so beautiful. frenza' all ard^^ (*In thiS woRLd, theRe no stRanGers. it's jus Frenza u haVen'T met) sounDs farmiliaR? any1 eVeR told u b4(- -?) weLL weLL, i ain't goNNa kNoW who aRe actuaLLy reaDinG my blog but according to another psycologist, to wHy we'Re acTuaLLy wRitinG thinGs is bcuz we nid some1 to taLk to... oR u ain'T neeD to pouR out youR feeLinGs heRe... buT! it is alwaYs GooD to shaRe youR thoTs^^ Percious thoTs~!~ (*shaRed sorrow 1/2 sorrow... shaRed JoY, douDLe JOY^^) i GueSs u might haVe leaRn sth out of my crApPinG... and i gueSs i ain'T so craPpY after aLL... (- -") btw, i had enJoy trYinG to look @ LiFe with diff perspective. Tryz it t(oo,)X. u mighT finD liFe moRe meaninGFuL then jus trYinG to coPe with BZ life... (- -z)Zz... Gd nitez!^^

(,"- -)Shake'a'BonBon(- -,") Posted by Hello

(,- -)?CuTeZ?(- -,") Posted by Hello