Wednesday, September 29, 2004
29thSep04' StuDying @ Sally houSe wiTh June^^
29thSep04' WednesDay
StuDying @ Sally houSe wiTh June^^
wOw... sTuDyinG(- -,") coOl... fiRst time... *oOps... dun thiNk cRoOk... fiRst time i viSit Sally hOuse^^ weNt theRe wiTh June^^ toOk 72 then we go HouganG mall eaT^^
1St thinGs fiRst... teaCher bluff us... say by toDay... Give baCk ouR bLooDsweaT (xue han...) pRoject...we reaLLy puT in aloTsa eFFoRt in thiS proj^^ cuZ inteReStinG mah~
buT! he toLd us to uS him oNe mOre daY! lOlx... he toLd us:" HUH!? weDnesday le ar? oOps... Gimmi one moRe day can?"
i thiNk he fOrgoT to maRk... Duno he go wheRe enJoy... (- -.")
anywaY, i weNt to sCh @ 10am++ tOday... CharleS cLeaRed my doubts on sOme of the maTh Qns...
THX ALOTSA! AppReciaTed(- _ -")
weLL... i suPpose to meeT June @ 11am aS suPposeD... buT she msG mi saiD she thOt she toLd mi 12pm then sHe fiNish sCh... lOlx... i haD heR msG aS evidenCe... luCky^^ oTheRwiSe she suRely say:"kns... i saY chiCken yOu say duCk..."
then i will saY:"i saY eaSt u alwaYs saY norThz...
wa liew... (- -")" lOlx... kiDs... Oops!^^j.k^^
weLL weLL... i weNt to library to sTudy then waiT lOr... no chOice riGHtz... then i see ouTside.. whoa! sTill drizzinG... haiz... thouGht of "sinGinG in the Rain?"...zZz...
HouGang mall... i 1St time go... June saiD i SG...(Sua Gu~ mounTain tuRtle...lOlx...) i thoT SG=SingapOre (~ o ~")
toOk buS to saLLy hoUSe... oveR heR houSe theRe's a sTray cat... she alwaYs feeD the sTraY caT... alwaYs come to her houSe de. sO smaRt^ then we paT the caT then sayang it^^ sO adorable... mewmew^^ June tOld mi laSt time she uSed to rear one..but, heR daD gave it aWay when sHe weNt fOr camp... then sHe aCtually cRied whEn she can't finD heR caT when she reTuRn hOme... so saD~
whaT's Gone is neveR recoveRed...memoRies of existance onLy can disCoveR it'S Gone...
wanNa senD June hOme de... in the enD she pei (*Accompany)mi wAit fOr buS cuZ quiTe laTe le? lOlx... whaT an eXcuse... anYway... the buS cOme le... (- o -") i weNt hOme takinG 53 chanGe 9... whoa... whaT a Day^^ my mOm brouGht alOTsa thinGs to eaT^^ (*hOpe June aTe sTh niCe aLso... sHe tOld mi heR maiD cOokinG cnnT make it... mayBe one daY i'll be the cHeF?) (~ ., ~")
HapPy Days aRe maDe by haPpy peOple^6^
HapPy peOple aRe boRn to maDe the Day spenDid...^^
MaRk my woRdS to make my daY^^
tOdaY i'm haPpy cuZ sOo mani thinGs haPpeneD...
Gd niTez to yOu *whoeveR loOkinG @ my bloG^^ anD sweeTDreams^^ wHy my laSt para alwaYs pink? Cuz it'S piGgy favouRite colouR^^ niTez^^ oink oink><^
28Sep04' TuesDay @ CineleisuRe
28Sep04' TuesDay @ CineleisuRe
wOw.! unbelieVable... neXt weEk is my eXams... & i'm havinG fun @ cineleisuRe... suRe... suRe... i'll geT moRez maRksz? @ leaSt i hOpe sOo...^^hmm... fOr oNe thinG... i haD fun^^
*NeveR reGret whaT u do... is whaT u haven'T Done...
i loSt in the Game of Zhong ji mi ma... (GueSs number Game...) haD to swallOw washabi... thx... enJoy myself... (- -")
i tOok some pixs^^ enjOy^^
Tuesday, September 28, 2004
27Sep04' Monday^^ teLL mi y i'm baCk to bloG? tell mi... (- _ -")
27Sep04' Monday^^ teLL mi y i'm baCk to bloG? tell mi... (- _ -") i thiNk i cnNT do aWay w/o bloGging^^
aloTsa thinGy hapPen toDay... 1St thinG 1st... i finally knOw whaT it means to have a baD haiR day... when youR haiR doeSn't comb the waY u wanTed... anD iT's so irriTatinG... i haD to waSh my haiR two times... 2 t!mes... ( _ -") weLL... then i weNT to sCh laTe... alThoUGh is sTuDy bReak le... but! haD D'Fund remedial... i waS laTe fOr oNe hoUr... so SaD... no one reaLLY boTher wheTher u comiNG to sCh aNotz... nOne of noboDy buSsiness... haiz... reaLity is like thaT bah... i gueSs luCky i saW anOther of my fRiend... he aLso laTe cuZ he saiD oVer hiS pLace rainIng... toa payoh theRe.z... really? simei Dry... no Rain... (- -) leaRn a coupLe of thinGs toDay... gueSs can pRepare moRe ammunition go waR (*eXams...) pRepaRinG fOr waR... i gueSs i shaLL win^^,") @ leaSt i hOpe so... pRay haRd>
2nDly... Lijun mSg mi 1/2 waY thru' my leSson... she saiD goT *peRvert keeP loOkinG @ her... then she chanGe pLace... thaT *perVert aLso swiTch plaCe... keeP loOkiNG @ heR then smile... eek! i waS quiTe loSt @ whaT shall i do to heLp her... sOo i toLd her to caLL mi if she niD any heLp... *buT i dunO whaT i cOuld do to help her... lOlx... she waS somewheRe faR frOm mi... i @ sCh *TP... she @ bedOk interchanGe? lOlx... (- _ -") if anYthinG weRe to haPpen... i'll feeL guilty aLso.. but.. chOy! !@#$%^& althouGh anythinG couLd haPpen... aLL i couLD do waS to console heR noTz to be sCarez.... (> v <") weLL... weLL... Lijun toLd mi she'll uSe self-defenCe if anythinG weRe to haPpen... buT whaT if... whaT *if... thaT *perVerT sTronGer? run? i doubt can oveRrun *perverT aLSo... *Lijun is a gurL... unLeSs miracle haPpen... YESS! thaT peRvert aliGhted the buS! haha* goTcha...
enD of sTory...
neXtime goT chanCe then teaCh Lijun self-defenCe k? goT diff technique in the aRt of unaRmed combat... *pRovided yOu traineD... 1St thinG 1St... NeVer... nEveR undeReStimate youR oPponent. 2nD thinG... situation... cnnT 36 style... RUN! (san si liu ji... zhou wei zhang ji^^) 3rd thinG... shoUt fOr heLp... aSsistanCe if yOu reallY need... Dun anYhOw shoUt... laTer ownself paisae... (- -,") weLL weLL... the reSt is up to yOu le... be StreeTsmaRt k^^?) walk wheRe theRe's Ppl...^^ Dun walk into small lane... anD! be wiTh acompanion if poSsible...
weLL... i'm goinG ouT wiTh sOme of my beSt frieND 2mOlo... i thiNk aLL bah^^ my brOthers....*fake one... lOl... i goT twO reaL siS... nO bro..i'm the younGest... weLL... amonG my Bro's* i'm 2nD biGGeSt... CS i think laoda? anythiNG la... we reSpeCt eaCh other the waY we shoUlda^^ but! is sTuDy bReak leiz... theY sTill wanNa go reLax i aLso bopian... fOllow suit... they wanNa go cineleisure eaT sushi then waTch moVie... haiz... aSk June go then she saiD noT suRe.. duno... cuZ she duNo my fRiends... can inTro de mah (- _ -") weLL... anywaY... meeTinG June,sally,aw anD anoTher of June friend... lOlx.. goinG sallY houSe to sTudy... zhun bo? i thiNk laTer we go pLay... lOlx.. (-> o <-) suRe alOTsa thinGs to caTchup aFter so lonGGgGg nv meeTup (^^<") weLL... loOkinG forwaRd to see them^^ GtG le.. GoOd nitez^^
piGgy... wheRe aRe u(- -?) MIA le mah? lonG time nO see u le... wheRe have u beEn? goT cauGht then loCkup in farm? lOlx... hOpe to cyaZ aRd... (- -z)Zz... Nitez & sweeTDreams... miSsya~
Monday, September 27, 2004
teLL mi y i'm baCk to bloG? tell mi...
27Sep04' Monday^^
teLL mi y i'm baCk to bloG? tell mi... (- _ -")
i thiNk i cnNT do aWay w/o bloGging^^
aloTsa thinGy hapPen toDay... 1St thinG 1st... i finally knOw whaT it means to have a baD haiR day... when youR haiR doeSn't comb the waY u wanTed... anD iT's so irriTatinG... i haD to waSh my haiR two times... 2 t!mes... ( _ -") weLL... then i weNT to sCh laTe... alThoUGh is sTuDy bReak le... but! haD D'Fund remedial... i waS laTe fOr oNe hoUr... so SaD... no one reaLLY boTher wheTher u comiNG to sCh aNotz... nOne of noboDy buSsiness... haiz... reaLity is like thaT bah... i gueSs luCky i saW anOther of my fRiend... he aLso laTe cuZ he saiD oVer hiS pLace rainIng... toa payoh theRe.z... really? simei Dry... no Rain... (- -)
leaRn a coupLe of thinGs toDay... gueSs can pRepare moRe ammunition go waR (*eXams...) pRepaRinG fOr waR... i gueSs i shaLL win^^,") @ leaSt i hOpe so... pRay haRd>
2nDly... Lijun mSg mi 1/2 waY thru' my leSson... she saiD goT *peRvert keeP loOkinG @ her... then she chanGe pLace... thaT *perVert aLso swiTch plaCe... keeP loOkiNG @ heR then smile... eek! i waS quiTe loSt @ whaT shall i do to heLp her... sOo i toLd her to caLL mi if she niD any heLp... *buT i dunO whaT i cOuld do to help her... lOlx... she waS somewheRe faR frOm mi... i @ sCh *TP... she @ bedOk interchanGe? lOlx... (- _ -") if anYthinG weRe to haPpen... i'll feeL guilty aLso.. but.. chOy! !@#$%^& althouGh anythinG couLd haPpen... aLL i couLD do waS to console heR noTz to be sCarez.... (> v <")
weLL... weLL... Lijun toLd mi she'll uSe self-defenCe if anythinG weRe to haPpen... buT whaT if... whaT *if... thaT *perVerT sTronGer? run? i doubt can oveRrun *perverT aLSo... *Lijun is a gurL... unLeSs miracle haPpen... YESS! thaT peRvert aliGhted the buS! haha* goTcha...
enD of sTory...
neXtime goT chanCe then teaCh Lijun self-defenCe k? goT diff technique in the aRt of unaRmed combat... *pRovided yOu traineD...
1St thinG 1St... NeVer... nEveR undeReStimate youR oPponent.
2nD thinG... situation... cnnT 36 style... RUN! (san si liu ji... zhou wei zhang ji^^)
3rd thinG... shoUt fOr heLp... aSsistanCe if yOu reallY need... Dun anYhOw shoUt... laTer ownself paisae... (- -,")
weLL weLL... the reSt is up to yOu le... be StreeTsmaRt k^^?) walk wheRe theRe's Ppl...^^ Dun walk into small lane... anD! be wiTh acompanion if poSsible...
weLL... i'm goinG ouT wiTh sOme of my beSt frieND 2mOlo... i thiNk aLL bah^^ my brOthers....*fake one...
lOl... i goT twO reaL siS... nO bro..i'm the younGest...
weLL... amonG my Bro's* i'm 2nD biGGeSt... CS i think laoda? anythiNG la... we reSpeCt eaCh other the waY we shoUlda^^ but! is sTuDy bReak leiz... theY sTill wanNa go reLax i aLso bopian... fOllow suit... they wanNa go cineleisure eaT sushi then waTch moVie... haiz... aSk June go then she saiD noT suRe.. duno... cuZ she duNo my fRiends... can inTro de mah (- _ -")
weLL... anywaY... meeTinG June,sally,aw anD anoTher of June friend... lOlx.. goinG sallY houSe to sTudy... zhun bo? i thiNk laTer we go pLay... lOlx.. (-> o <-) suRe alOTsa thinGs to caTchup aFter so lonGGgGg nv meeTup (^^<") weLL... loOkinG forwaRd to see them^^
GtG le.. GoOd nitez^^
piGgy... wheRe aRe u(- -?) MIA le mah? lonG time nO see u le... wheRe have u beEn? goT cauGht then loCkup in farm? lOlx... hOpe to cyaZ aRd... (- -z)Zz... Nitez & sweeTDreams... miSsya~
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Life... when're 25?...
24thSep04' Friday^^ woHOo^^ =SaT&Sun... = familY daY><^
wa... i gOt "B" foR my leaDership & chaRacter CDS teSt... lolx... tyco sia... my otheR friends whO "seems to knOw all" did nOt scoRe aS weLL as exPeCted... i think my teaCher aLso sTunt... GueSs is becuZ i'm noT brainwaShed by thiS subjeCt lor... haiyoyo...
wenTTo TM to waTch "New PoliCe sTory..." Comical anD niCe^^ woRth the moVie tickeTs^^ PiGgy & Joey... whAt ya waiTinG for? mi to jio yOu go sEe ar? lolx... niCe shOw wiTh GoOd beGinninG anD enDinG to cloSe shop... i board buS38 @ abt 1am... reaCh home aBt 1pm++ aLL my family membeRs zZz le... i dunO whaTTo do... aBit loSt... liSteniNG to Ocean (Ou de yanG?) niCe sonGs... w/o my elbow aS youR pillOw... u uSe to it mah?... i'll waiT fOr yOu tO comE baCk><^
i tiRed le... waNNa zZz... delicaTe a sOnG for u...
VITAMIN C LYRICS"Graduation (Friends Forever)"
And so we talked all night about the rest of our lives
Where we're gonna be when we turn 25
I keep thinking times will never change
Keep on thinking things will always be the same
But when we leave this year we won't be coming back
No more hanging out cause we're on a different track
And if you got something that you need to say
You better say it right now cause you don't have another day
Cause we're moving on and we can't slow down
These memories are playing like a film without sound
And I keep thinking of that night in June I didn't know much of love
But it came too soon...
And there was me and you...
And then we got real blue Stay at home talking on the telephone
We'd get so excited, we'd get so scared Laughing at ourselves thinking life's not fair And this is how it feels[1] -
As we go onWe rememberAll the times weHad together
And as our lives changeCome Whatever
We will still beFriends ForeverSo if we get the big jobs
And we make the big money
When we look back now
Will our jokes still be funny?
Will we still remember everything we learned in school?
Still be trying to break every single rule
Will little brainy Bobby be the stockbroker man?
Will Heather find a job that won't interfere with her tan?
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly
And this is how it feels[Repeat 1]
La, la, la, la:Yeah, yeah, yeahLa, la, la, la:
We will still be friends forever
Will we think about tomorrow like we think about now?
Can we survive it out there?
Can we make it somehow?
I guess I thought that this would never end
And suddenly it's like we're women and men
Will the past be a shadow that will follow us 'round?
Will these memories fade when I leave this town
I keep, I keep thinking that it's not goodbye
Keep on thinking it's a time to fly[Repeat 1 (3x)]
GoOD niTez^^ SweeTDreams^^
Thursday, September 23, 2004
23Sep04' ThuRsday^^
I lurve thuRsday!^^ cuZ...! = fRidaY le^^ cOoL huh(- -"?)
lisTeninG to LimpBizkeT new oLd^sonGs(meaninGful... i gueSs i'll keeP on roLLinG^^,)
hey hey! gueSs whAt? seRene creaTed a neW acc. foR heR frienDster toDay... whoa~ (*i knOw she'll be reaDinG my BloG... oR @ leaSt i hoPe so... i'll reminD her anyway... BLeahZ^^!) spectaculaR loR... BUT! i founD ouTThaT her new aCc... is aCtually aDdinG saMe oLd friendz... i goT cOn in anD haD to wRite teStimonial foR heR... not poinT-blaNk thouGh... wRite teStimonial foR heR ouT of my own accord... but! i thiNk i'm kinDa aDdicTed to her le... Oops... i meaN youR teStimonial^^ GettinG a hanG out of it^^
Gladly yOu gOt so mani mani frienDz... buT ouT of soO mani Ppl... have u eVer wOnder hOw many of thiS so-called fRienDz aRe true("?) oR aRe they jus Hi-Bye friendz? sadly to say... see youR teStimonial kNow le... i gueSs i'm onE of the spontenouS testimonial'inG youR acC...^^,) oOps... tuRn one biGGgg rounD to applause fOr myselF^^ (kua ownself^^ pou yOu... noT ez...)
anyway, haD fun toDay @ sCh... cuZ i see my lab teaCher so Pis* off... he saiD Ppl compLain abt him.. anD he thinK we'Re the boSs nOw... he said:"yOu all tell mi whaT u all want... juSt tell mi... anD i help assist u in whiChever way i could..." whoa... thaT's sounDs moRe it mah... he tReaT us differently thaTTIme b4 Ppl aCtually complain abT him... i aLmoSt lanD him wiTh a bRoken bowL... *cuz i wanTeD to lodge complain aGainsT him thouGh^^... he muZ be luCky that i haD sth eLse beTTer to do...
i think... someTimes Ppl shouLd noT thiNk so !@#$%^ of themselves... tHe hiGher u cLimb... the haRder u fall... anyway, i thiNk if yOu wanNa Ppl to respect yOu... viCe verSa reSpeCt others (- -,")
Life's FraGile... but i'll hanDle it wiTh caRez...
aND thaT's what's life is... hiT it doWn...
i wOnder whaT's life is... i'm sO siCk of thiS and thaT...
puT on the siren, tuRn on the volume... yOu knOw we fiGure yOu ouT... o... i'm sO siCk of yOu... (*lines extracted from Limpbizkit)
i think pPl weaR diff maSk eveRyday... i gueSs we've to see thru' thiS maSk to really unDerstanD whaT's the other Ppl really feel... oR shouLda we take off ouR mAsk anD faCe otheRSz? Controvesy... i'm faCinG it all... liSteninG to muSic... face the musiC? y noT pLay alonG wiTh otherz? we'Re all actinG ouR life ouT... so dramaTic... fRee shOw everYda...
everYone feels diffeRenT and aCt accordingly to one's moOd... buT whaT's the woRld is comiNG to? the universe iS soO wiDe~ i'm juS an anT waitinG to be sTep on... buT i'll faCe the faCts thaT i'll GrOw to leaRn to be sTepPed... anD then sTepPed upP when i haD enuff... teLL mi whaT's life all abt? to step or to be sTepPed(- p -?)
haD a Great day thouGh chaTtinG wiTh Serene & June^^ Gd nitez & SweeTDreamS. SleeP tiGht anD sLeep weLL^^ TakeCarez^^ (- -z)Zz... tata~
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
22ndSept TP'ASHRAE AGM'2004
22ndSept04' AGM^^ Annual General Meeting
Gimmi youR aTTention & intenTions cuz is TP'ASHRAE AGM 2004' & we'Re goTTa get goinG^^ i gueSs... thinGs doesn'T alwaYs goeS the waY we wanTeD... so y boTherZ(- -?) aS in the senSe thAT take it eaSy bah... TuRnup of the CrowDs waS'nt GoOd... (*noT aS expeCted...) but the foOd manaGed to finiSh^^ so... i gueSs bleSsinG in disGuise("?) thx aLL Ppl whO heLp ouT and caMe for the AGM^^ foR mi... i think is the heaRt thaT counTs^^
Sincerity wiThsTanD all circumstances(- _ -") the cRowd waS theRe (*there aS in giVe faCe... thx anywaY^^ reaLLy appreciate^^) anD the committees wAS theRe (*aS in awaiTinG Ppl to cOme & giVe faCe to us... weLL dOne!^^ eFForT and teaMwOrk/spiRit is eSsential...) althouGh the deBrief waS abiT roCky... or shaky? but! we'Re As one... woRk aS one... pLay aS one... sTreSs as One... etc. (- -,")
no' one man is an isLanD... we neeD ea. oTherz to make up a isLanD^^ anD many many otheRs to foRm a counTry^^ (ESC,SME, ASHRAE'TAMP ITE E.G...) henCe... To:ASHRAE MEMBERS leT's aLL woRk hand in hanD to achieVe biGGer thinGs and reaCh gReaTer heiGhtz^^ whaT we wenT thru' is paRt of Life's exPerience... sometimes yOu fall... buT jus remz to get up... aNd we'll lend a hanD to suPport if ya neeD... (-> o <-)
Life's pRecious... Live it> Life's pRecious... Live it> One life... Live it^^ zZz... zZz... zZz... waNNa zZz... zZz... zZz... takeCaRez^^
Gdnitez to piGGyz^^ & aLL thoSe viewinG my bLoG^^ maY the FoRce be wiTh us... (> o <")
22ndSept04' AGM^^ Annual General Meeting
22ndSept04' AGM^^ Annual General Meeting
Gimmi youR aTTention & intenTions cuz is TP'ASHRAE AGM 2004' & we'Re goTTa get goinG^^ i gueSs... thinGs doesn'T alwaYs goeS the waY we wanTeD... so y boTherZ(- -?) aS in the senSe thAT take it eaSy bah...
TuRnup of the CrowDs waS'nt GoOd... (*noT aS expeCted...) but the foOd manaGed to finiSh^^ so... i gueSs bleSsinG in disGuise("?) thx aLL Ppl whO heLp ouT and caMe for the AGM^^ foR mi... i think is the heaRt thaT counTs^^
Sincerity wiThsTanD all circumstances(- _ -") the cRowd waS theRe (*there aS in giVe faCe... thx anywaY^^ reaLLy appreciate^^) anD the committees wAS theRe (*aS in awaiTinG Ppl to cOme & giVe faCe to us... weLL dOne!^^ eFForT and teaMwOrk/spiRit is eSsential...) althouGh the deBrief waS abiT roCky... or shaky? but! we'Re As one... woRk aS one... pLay aS one... sTreSs as One... etc. (- -,")
no' one man is an isLanD... we neeD ea. oTherz to make up a isLanD^^ anD many many otheRs to foRm a counTry^^ (ESC,SME,
ASHRAE'TAMP ITE E.G...) henCe...
leT's aLL woRk hand in hanD to achieVe biGGer thinGs and reaCh gReaTer heiGhtz^^ whaT we wenT thru' is paRt of Life's exPerience... sometimes yOu fall... buT jus remz to get up... aNd we'll lend a hanD to suPport if ya neeD... (-> o <-)
Life's pRecious... Live it>
Life's pRecious... Live it>
One life... Live it^^
zZz... zZz... zZz... waNNa zZz... zZz... zZz...
takeCaRez^^ Gdnitez to piGGyz^^ & aLL thoSe viewinG my bLoG^^ maY the FoRce be wiTh us... (> o <")
a LonGgGg day... i felt smeLLy as i waS heLpinG my friend cLear his sh*T (kio sai...) for the proj... thx... thx alotsa... deappreciate...
ImaGine... jus ImaGine... youR fRiend aSk you to dO sth he wAS suPpoSe to comPleTe... anD the reaSon waS thaT hiS enGlish noT as PowEr as mi(- -?) i thiNk i neeD to go diG my eaR...beinG the younGesT in the cLasS... i'm noT so naive k... dun tReaT mi like a kid whO doeSn't kNow anythinG anD think i'll noD my heaD in aGreement... buT in the enD i sTill tOok the reSponsibility to finish the wOrk as i had my ownself to loOkout for... i dun wanna oTher Ppl to affeCt my proj... sob*
i toOk few pixs 2day... aLL zZz pixs... y all so tiRed? come sCh zZz... i reaLLy duno... but i felt lethargic also... mayb is due to ystday lifesavinG teSt bah... anyway, paSs my tesT^^ ehehx
anyway... after chaTTinG wiTh seRene today & i think eVerythinG waS in pLaCe... she gaVe mi see heR pixs she toOk laSt sunDay 19Sep04' wheReby she waS the floweRGal for her eLderSis weddinG... wOw... niCe... the pixs niCee... i mean she toOk pixs of herself... lolx... abit like mi bah..^^ zi lian(- -?) oOps... anyway... lonG time nV see heR le... she loOk sO diff... (prettieR la...) reaLLy guRLs BiG 18 chanGe (direCt translation fRom chineSe^^) she dun aLLow mi to uploaD her pix... tOo bad^^ i'll keep it to myself (- _ -") ehehx^ k bah^^ i wanna go zZz le... tata~
Gd nitez seRenz... (- -z)Zz... sweeTDreams... sLeep tiGht... in love wiTh pink? speCial colouR foR a speCial perSon in my Life...