Sunday, October 31, 2004

31oCt04' SunDay^^,) HapPy family Day~

31oCt04' SunDay^^,) HapPy family Day~

Have yOu eveR cOme upOn thiS sonG befOre?
Ronan Keating's -When You Say Nothing At All.

I fell hard on this song when I actually came across Xiuqi bloG... Oops! (*cOpy anD eDiteD sOme of the wOrds... hehes.) HoPe yOu dun minD... heLp yOu adveRtiSe fOr fRee^^,)

sOmetimes in life... yOu quaRrelleD wiTh sOmeone... anD hOw you wiSh you did'nt saiD what yOu meaNt in the mOmeNt of fuRy... yOu miGhtxXx have lOst yOur temper... anD woRst~ a fRienD oR sOmeone yOu loveD... =x aCtually i've sOrteD it out lonG aGoxXx... that'S wHy i selDom flaRe upPpx... (*or did i? cNnt really remXx when'S the laSt time i gOt anGry... hehes. (- ___ -)

aNywaY~ the tRick is... eRmxXx...
1St thinG 1St... i'm an optimiStic peRson... sooOoo... in my opiniOn = eveRy little thinGs haPpens fOr a reaSon^^,) sooOoo thaT's no reaSon to get anGry over little thinGs... i alwaYs thiNk that "IF" sth alreaDy haPpeneD le... Get anGry or nOtzZz... that "paRticulaR thinG" that haPpen haPpeneD... soOo? it doeSn't pay to get anGry riGhtxXx? in the enD is ourself whO suFfer"<)

sooOoo... alwaYs loOk @ the bRiGhtxXx siDe of life mah... (*i thiNk got one sonG by thiS name "alwaYs lOok on the bRiGhtx siDe of life" sunG by dunO whO... hehes~ oOps... juSt fOund out fRom the d/l that is sunG by moNty python? still nO idea who iszit... (- __ -)

Monty Python - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life Lyrics

Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle.
And this'll help things turn out for the best.
Always look on the bright side of life, (whistle)
Always look on the bright side of life, (whistle)
If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten,
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle, that's the thing.
Always look on the bright side of life. (Whistle)
Come on...
Always look on the bright side of life...
For life is quite absurd,
And death's the final word,
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin,
Give the audience a grin,
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
So always look on the bright side of death,
Just before you draw your terminal breath,
Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it,
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
You'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
And always look on the bright side of life,
Always look on the right side of life,
Come on guys, cheer up.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Worse things happen at sea, you know.
Always look on the bright side of life.
I mean - what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing,
you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing!

aNyway, i haD a spenDid day wiTh my family toDay anD i helpeD in the kitchen onCe aGainxXx...sooOoo muCh fun... anD i kinDa recap of the goOd old days in my seC sCh when i'm in the F&N (*fOOd & NutriTion) leSson tRyinG to get thinGs dOne~ hehes. YinGhui... miSsya~ hOpe ya doinG fine in yOur wOrld... miSs thoSe fun we haD @ sCh >__ Enjoy the pixs~

GoOdniGhtxXx to eveRyone... anD sweeTyDreams... (- _ -z)Zz...

31oCt04' SunDay^^,) HapPy family Day~

31oCt04' SunDay^^,) HapPy family Day~

Have yOu eveR cOme upOn thiS sonG befOre?
Ronan Keating's
-When You Say Nothing At All.

I fell hard on this song when I actually came across Xiuqi bloG...
Oops! (*cOpy anD eDiteD sOme of the wOrds... hehes.) HoPe yOu dun minD... heLp yOu adveRtiSe fOr fRee^^,)

sOmetimes in life... yOu quaRrelleD wiTh sOmeone... anD hOw you wiSh you did'nt saiD what yOu meaNt in the mOmeNt of fuRy... yOu miGhtxXx have lOst yOur temper... anD woRst~ a fRienD oR sOmeone yOu loveD... =x

aCtually i've sOrteD it out lonG aGoxXx... that'S wHy i selDom flaRe upPpx... (*or did i? cNnt really remXx when'S the laSt time i gOt anGry... hehes. (- ___ -) aNywaY~ the tRick is... eRmxXx...

1St thinG 1St...
i'm an optimiStic peRson... sooOoo... in my opiniOn = eveRy little thinGs haPpens fOr a reaSon^^,) sooOoo thaT's no reaSon to get anGry over little thinGs... i alwaYs thiNk that "IF" sth alreaDy haPpeneD le... Get anGry or nOtzZz... that "paRticulaR thinG" that haPpen haPpeneD... soOo? it doeSn't pay to get anGry riGhtxXx? in the enD is ourself whO suFfer"<) sooOoo... alwaYs loOk @ the bRiGhtxXx siDe of life mah... (*i thiNk got one sonG by thiS name "alwaYs lOok on the bRiGhtx siDe of life" sunG by dunO whO... hehes~ oOps... juSt fOund out fRom the d/l that is sunG by moNty python? still nO idea who iszit... (- __ -)
Monty Python - Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life Lyrics
Some things in life are bad,
They can really make you mad,
Other things just make you swear and curse.
When you're chewing on life's gristle
Don't grumble, give a whistle.
And this'll help things turn out for the best.
Always look on the bright side of life, (whistle)
Always look on the bright side of life, (whistle)
If life seems jolly rotten,
There's something you've forgotten,
And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
When you're feeling in the dumps,
Don't be silly chumps.
Just purse your lips and whistle, that's the thing.
Always look on the bright side of life. (whistle)
Come on...
Always look on the bright side of life...
For life is quite absurd,
And death's the final word,
You must always face the curtain with a bow.
Forget about your sin,
Give the audience a grin,
Enjoy it - it's your last chance anyhow.
So always look on the bright side of death,
Just before you draw your terminal breath,
Life's a piece of shit,
When you look at it,
Life's a laugh and death's a joke, it's true.
You'll see it's all a show,
Keep 'em laughing as you go.
Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
And always look on the bright side of life,
Always look on the right side of life,
Come on guys, cheer up.
Always look on the bright side of life.
Worse things happen at sea, you know.
Always look on the bright side of life.
I mean - what have you got to lose?
You know, you come from nothing,
you're going back to nothing.
What have you lost? Nothing!

aNyway, i haD a spenDid day wiTh my family toDay anD i helpeD in the kitchen onCe aGainxXx...sooOoo muCh fun... anD i kinDa recap of the goOd old days in my seC sCh when i'm in the F&N (*fOOd & NutriTion) leSson tRyinG to get thinGs dOne~ hehes. YinGhui... miSsya~ hOpe ya doinG fine in yOur wOrld... miSs thoSe fun we haD @ sCh >__

Enjoy the pixs~

GoOdniGhtxXx to eveRyone... anD sweeTyDreams... (- _ -z)Zz...

31oCt04' SunDay^^,) HapPy family Day~

31oCt04' SunDay^^,) HapPy family Day~
eveR liSten to thiS sonG befOre?

>>Ronan Keating's
When You Say Nothing At All...
I fell hard on this song when I actually came across xiuqi bloG... (*oOps... cOpy anD eDit abit... hOpe yOu dun minD^^ *wiNks~ viSit - - heLp yOu adveRti
reaLLy niCe sonGxXx^^,) i wOuld sinG it to all my fRiends if i cOuld.. (*hOpe yOu dun minD if i sunG out of tune abit... *bluSh. havinG soRethoaRt :/
sOmetimes in life... yOu quarrel wiTh sOmeone, anD hOw yOu wiSh yOu did'nt say what yOu din meaNt what yOu've saiD in the mOment of fuRy... yOu miGhtxXx have loSt yOur temPerxXx... anD woRst loSt a fRiendsOmeone yOu lOveD...

Thursday, October 28, 2004

27oCt04' WednesDay~ sOcCer @ TP

27oCt04' WednesDay~ sOcCer @ TP ~

i'm bRoke anD i'm seriouS... paSt few Days waS my fRiends b'Day anD i speNt mOre than i waS suPpoSe to... announCinG bankrupt... 2mOlo 28oCt04' iS one of my beSt fRiend b'Day... HenRy! OMG! i no caSh le... hehes... yOu aCcept creDits? lOlx.

20thoCt - FenG's mOm b'Day
25thoCt - AnGel's B'day
26thoCt - WantinG b'Day
27thoCt - Weetao B'day
28thoCt - Phenghui + Henry b'Day....

i thInk i speNt abOut $200++ on pResents anD tReatinG makaninG... tRyinG to refleCt on the $ i eaRn anD speNt... what waS i wOrkinG for? to satisfy myself on satisfyinG others? onCe i chat wiTh one fRiend of mine... she nv bOther to remzZz other ppl b'Day aS she felt that waS no neeD to... eRmxXx... gueSs she saveD upPp $ anD spent it wiSely on sOme other stuff to satisfy... heRself?

well... in life i gueSs theRe's alwaYs differRent meaninG to keep uS alive riGhtxXx~ ppl livinG for diffeRent reaSons... sOme juSt live to paSs by the days... oThers live to satisfy own neeDs etc... pOnDerinG... what waS i livinG for? anD yOu? what's yOurs? Don'T wOrRy be haPpy~! mayBe bloGginG is the reaSson? hehes. (- __ -)

whaT a Day fOr soCcer^^,) the weatheR waS goOd anD soOo waS i~
supPosed to meetupP @ 10am but i gueSs my beD manaGe to subdue mi anD preveNt mi fRom wakinG upP(- -?) hehes... i only have myself to blame fOr slEepinG late...zZz... i weNt to sCh @ aRd 11pm anD i saw anDrew befOre i boaRd the buS... i dunO wHy but i call him uPp juSt to say H!... lOlx... then i fOund out he wOrkinG aS a pRomoter anD the pay seems gOod... he tOld mi i'm the one fOr thiS kinDa of job but gueSs what... i haD tOo muCh cOokies @ my wOrkplaCe anD nOw i'm dOwn wiTh soRethoart... :/

anywaY~ toDay weaTher waS mischeviouS... rain then pauSe... anD the cylce coNt'D for quite a few times... mOst iRritatinG aS the rain combiNed wiTh our sweaT doeSn't smell reaL goOd... (- __ -)

.:i manaGe to sCore one goal wiTh the help of my fRiends whiCh the thiNk it waS *tyco oR luCky~ i thouGht sooOoo... hehes~ anD i aSsisteD in a cOuple of goals... really fun to wOrkout anD run heRexXx run theRezZz^^,)

.:onCe i uSed to thiNk what's sooOoo fun abOut sooOoo mani ppl chasinG a ball aRd... but nOw i thInk it takes mOre then juSt the man to be theRexXx~! it takes communications, tatics, strategies, instinCt, skills anD etc. moSt impOrtantly is team-spiRit~ i alwaYs keepPp on sayinG niCe tRyzZz~ cOol shOt anD suCh... but that waS to boOst morale whiCh i dunO whether i wOrks anOtz... but i'll feel eneRgetic^^,)

i'll be colleCtinG my Life-savinG 1,2,3 ceRt 2mOlo... hehes~ heRexXx cOmes my 1St Life-savinG ceRt anD theRe's mOre to cOmezZZ >__<>

i've leaRn the TKD sOo aS to pRoteCt myself ...anD otheRs... but i thInk TKD is a kinDa fOrm of exerCise alSo^^,) stretChinGzZz anD is mOre then juSt kiCkinG aRd... i'm able to cOntrol myself better:. in the fOrm of martial aRts, it is vital to cOntrol yOurself... sOo aS to nOtz go out of cOntrol anD be manipulateD by evils...

onCe i thOt if i 'KO' the peRson... i neeD to revive them... sOoo i tOok upP life-savinG... lOlx... then onCe i thOt aGainzZz... to cOntrol myself~ anD save myself fRom the tRouble riGhtxXx... hehes... lame-man teRmxXx :/

aNyway, i've taken a biGgg step to enriCh myself~ sooOoo ppl miGhtzZz aSk wHy? i aSk myself... wHy nOtz?


Sunday, October 24, 2004

~G.O.D B.L.E.S.S~ Posted by Hello

Saturday, October 23, 2004

23oCt04'satuRday... RainY days~

23oCt04'satuRday... RainY days~

baCk to bloG aGainzZz... eveRyday paSserby like nOboDy buSineSs... hOw many a time have yOu taken a steP to slOw dOwn anD take a lOok arOunD yOu? eveRyOne ruShinG heRez anD theRe cuz they gOt diff aGenda for the day... whaT's yOurs? fOr mi... eveRyDay i'll thiNk of what to do anD make it haPpen... ratheR than hOw to doOo anD make it cOmplicatinG... chim? eRmz... abit >__<

but theRe's wheRe planNinG cOmes in... yOu can chOose to wakeuPp @ what time... go wheRe... do what... then life is kinDa like nO suRpriSe @ all riGhtz? but(- -!) the thinG is wHo? thiS is the main paRt~ thaT's wHy i like takinG pixs eveRyday sooOoo i knOw what i diD... wiTh whO.. wheRe... when eTc. (- _ -")
thinGs aRe simple anD peOple tenD to make it cOmplicatinG... theRe aRe two kinDa of fRiends that i have when i take pixs ...

1. they will say: "theRe i go aGainzZz... when will i have peaCe..."
oR "nOtzZz aGainz... take pixs aGainz... sianzZz :/"

2nD: cOol~ c'mOn anD join^^,) take pixs >__<>

fRom thiS twO pOint... i kinDa lOok thinGs @ diffeRent perspeCtive... anD whiCheveR caSe they will aSk fOr pixs later on... *kinDa conTradiCtinG for *1. kind of fRiends riGhtz?... but! is gOod they aSk cuz i'll waNna shaRe the pixs i tOok... whiCh in my pOint of view is memories... wheReby eveRyDay is speCial... doinG diff thinGs @ diff time wiTh diff ppl anD diff feelinGs~ talkinG abOut feelinGs... People often expReSs theiR feelinGs thru twO wayS...

1.Verbal - the way peOple talk... E.G lOud or soft... haRsh or gentle...

2. Non-verbal lanGuage wheReby is Body languaGes whiCh is the expReSsion or the way the reaCt... Cry... unhapPy faCe... :/

PictuRe paiNts a thouSand wOrds... i'm suRe yOu heaRd thiS befOre...
anD aCtually... wHy i like takinG pix is alSo kinDa relateD to one of my fRiend whOm paSsed away... well... glaD hiS paRent able to aCcept thiS faCt that he haS gone to anOther plaCe to be wiTh G.O.D (*they'Re chRistian...)

ThouGh i'm a fRee-thiNker... but i reSpecT the way they thiNk~ anD i kinDa believe abit alSo... cNnt help it... i aCtually tOok a pix wiTh thiS fRiend if mine... anD i gueSs it's gonNa be the laSt pix i've taken wiTh him... that's wHy i Kinda cheRish my fRiends whOm i've met.... anD take pixs aS anD when i gOt the chanCe... yOu nv knOw whetheR yOu'll get to liveD till 2mOlo riGhtz...

In life, alwaYs be pRepaRed fOr the wOrst sooOoo @ leaSt we'll be able to expeCt anD aCcept the faCts...

Don't wOrry tOox muCh anD be haPpy (- _ -")

GoOdniGhtz anD sweeTyDreams... huGgies~ zZz...

Monday, October 18, 2004

18oCt04' A Day of deEp thOts... aGainz? humans aRe complex... i'm Glad i'm sTillz humane...

A Day of deEp thOts...
aGainz? humans aRe complex... i'm Glad i'm sTillz humane... hehes~

HaD a gReat Day~ @ wOrk^^,) tOday real buSy aS 1St time Ppl neeD to queue upPp... :/ sales oveR one thousanD fOr one shift^^,) nOt baDz >_<>

aS fOr mi... i can leaRn hOw to reaCt to diffeRent Ppl (*keEp smilinG can le... althouGh sOme ppl miGhtz thiNk kinDa cheEky... but smilinG is no offenSe mah^^,)

E.G i tOld a cuStomer i'll be theRe to seRve him in a min's time... then he kinDa frustrateD... he tOld mi:" aRe yOu suRe in *ONE* min's time? i've been waiTinG for the paSt few *ONE's mins..." OmG... i really did nOt knOw whaT to doOo @ that momeNt.. sOo i juSt smileD anD apoloGiez by sayinG:"sOrry to keEp yOu waiTinG, but i'll be theRe in a moment..."

sOmetimes rEally GoTta thiNk befOre sayinG anYthinGz... cuz the cuStomers miGhtz miSinterprete anD give uS trouble... (- -) luCkily i gOt alwaYs wiTh the otheRz sentenCe... a min is countable while a moment is infinate... that's wheRe thinGs get abit triCky... (- _ -")

well, my suPervisOrr tReat mi to the subwaY^^ (*we cNnt eat the subway thinGy thouGh we wOrk theRe... mUSt pay... :/) maYbe he's in a GoOdmoOd or the sales.. hehes >_<
then gOt one of my manaGer weNt fOr a twO weekS holiDayz^^,) he brouGhtz cakes to tReat uS^^,) gueSs i really neeD to go oNz a diet le... hehes (-> o <-)

i chaTted wiTh Liwen tOday... thx to heR i nOw moRe enliGhten le... thx alOtsa >_<>

Chatta wiTh Mol... she tOld mi she's a pRomoter for maStercaRd... but wiTh visa,american expRess etc. competitiOn aRe fierCe... waNna wiSh heR GoOdluCkz anD dun oveR exeRt yOurself^^,) nOw is hOliday~ muSt enjOy^^

I Gtg zZz le... GooDnitez to all^^,) GoOdluCk to J.quah fOr hiS eXams^^,) JiayOu!
eRm... anD GoOdluCk for seRene fOr her jOb inteRview... theY will call yOu de.. dun wOrry >_<>

hehes... i chanGed hiS pamper... smelly :/ My siS baby - Darren did a smelly busineSs^^,) then wanNa cleanupPp but he refuSe to co-operaTe (- _-||) Posted by Hello

kiSsable >_< bRotherly L.O.V.E^^,) Posted by Hello

hapPy family Day~ Posted by Hello

17oCt04'SunDay ~ family Day >_<

17oCt04'SunDay ~ family Day >_<

whoa~ i'm lurvinG it^^,) it's my siS baby b'Day >Karen
Had a spenDid dinNer ~ Got StinGray, fRied chiCkenwinGs anD fRies, fRied tau pok and beanies with meaties anD laSt but nOt leaSt = bak gu tae(> o <-)
i haD twO seRvinG of blaCkforeSt cake anD i gueSs i neeD to go oNz a diet... hehes.. otheRwiSe i dun daRe to go to my lifesavinG leSson le.. no fiGure :/ hehes

anYway... i watCh peaRl harbOur toDay... (*eveRyone got 1St time riGhtz... hehes.) paRt1 only... but i thiNkz is inspirinG~ i lOok @ the shOw @ twO diffeRent perspeCtive anD whO's @ fault? the japaneSe or the U.S whO situateD theiR fleeTs @ the peaRl harbOur?... that's fOr yOu to judge... the casualties waS alOtsa... my teaRs almoSt burSt out aS the peaRl harbOur waS cauGht unpRepaRed... anD soOo many Ppl died anD they didn't had a chanCe to fiGhtz baCk... i'm waitinG for paRt2 2mOlo^^,)

thiS shOw PeaRl harbour... i thiNk eventually the wOrldwar II ~ U.S was involved anD the atomic bOmb that dRop @ hiroshima? killeD even mOre ppl... anD i thOuGht fOr a moment... wHy the innocenCe alwaYs gets the tragiC?... mayBe that's waR... anD mayBe that's life... unfaiR~

Life's is like fiGhtinG a waR... is unfair > eitheR yOu win or loSe. Like wakinG uPp to go to wOrk, sCh, etC... yOu eiTher gets uPp or dun anD be late anD gets penalised... oR havinG an arguement wiTh yOur fRiendz etc... but fOr mi, i thiNk what it takes to win a waR eveRyday is to be optimistic... aS in to be haPpy^^,) anD i thiNk i'm winNinG "mY" waR eveRyday~ i'm haPpy anD i'm contenteD wiTh what i had in life. thOuGh i sOmetimes reGret what i haven'T yet to do in life E.G SkyDivinG, bungee etc... thrilleD? nah... i muSt save uPp $ 1St... hehes (- _ -)

really haD a spenDid day @ hOme anD enjOyed myself wiTh my family... then time to say GoOdniTez^^,) they weNt to bed anD i chaTted wiTh my fRiendz >_<>

i kinDa remembeRed a sOnGz... by? nOt soOo suRe... but meaninGful~

~eveRy moments, we spent toGether"
~is even better than the moments befoRe"
~if eveRyday waS... as Good aS toDay waS..."
~i can't wait till 2mOlo comes..."

well... i gueSs i Gtg zZz soOo when i oPen my eyeS 2mOlo, it'll be a bRand new day fOr mi^^,) i'm goinG to win thiS waR of wakinG uPp^^,) anD be hapPy... alwaYs.

GoOdniTez to:
GoOd luCka fOr ya eXams toOox. i knOw yOu'll doOo well de (>_ <")
(,^^Gemini aRe versatile, faSt-leaRner^^,)

Dun think toO muCh bah... whaT's yOurs will be yOur. GoOdluCkz fOr 2mOlo interview^^,)

~haPpy shOppinG~ sTay C.U.T.E alwaYs >_<

HapPy days in many yeaRs to cOme... miSsya toOz^^,) (> O <)

~Chee xian~
HapPy wOrkinG^^,) Cya 2mOlo >_<

sOme Quotes:

~Life is like a cOin, onCe yOu spent it - sPent it wise.

~well... fRiends aRe our haRd-eaRninGs as we came to thiS wOrld wiTh nth... uSe it wiSely anD viCe verSa. keeP it. (*in anOther wOrd for savinG yOur hard-eaRn $...)

GoODniGhtz & sweeTyDreams. TakeCarez >_<

Sunday, October 17, 2004

16oCt04'thiNkinG... thiNkinG haRd... waS i?... PleaSe help if theRe's sOmeone... (- -||)

16oCt04'thiNkinG... thiNkinG haRd... waS i?... PleaSe help if theRe's sOmeone... (- -)

hmm... whaT waS i really thiNkinG when i'm soOo tiRed... so wOrn out... perhap i waS thiNkinG toOo muCh that lead mi to enguish... theRe's a fiRe ignite in me... waiTinG to mi spur... i waS juSt wOndeRinG whaT waS i really livinG fOr... & a chat wiTh sOmeone sOmehOw openeD uPp my minD abit moRe... i saiD:"i've all the while been thiNkinG fOr the otheRz... maYbe it's time i thiNk fOr myself..." anD i saiD thiS all becauSe i wanNa tell that sOmeOnez... anD whiCh i felt real bad anD hOpe i din huRt that sOmeone by sayinG:"yOu kinDa livinG in yOur own wOrld thiNkinG abOut yOurself... maYbe it's time to thiNk fOr sOmeone?"

thiS few sentenCes acTually mOtivateD mi to be mOre self-cOntaineD... but is thaT gOod oR baD... judge fOr yOurself... sOme pPl live in theiR own wOrld becauSe they afraiD to aCcept the faCts that they'Re livinG in the real wOrld... theRe's nOoo suCh thinGs aS own wOrld aS what yOu do miGhtz affeCt anOther peRson indiReCtly... thaT's call a chain whiCh is liNkz upPp... sCary? nOt really... juSt get uSed to it? nah... adapt it i gueSs iS mOre appropiate aS thiS bRinGs abOut gReaTer challenGes yOu miGhtz faCe anD theRefoRe be able to hanDle any undetermineD situations...

humans aRe indeeD complex animals aS yOu dunO whaT thEy aRe thiNkinGz... doinG... wantinG... anD etc... but theY'll aCt it out oR simply doOo it sOoo otheRs can see hOw ugly humans aRe anD whaT methOds they resoRt to get thinGs dOnez...

bRaiinz GonNa cRaCk le!!! aRGh... hOpe sOmeone coulD enliGhten mi alSo...
GoODniGhtz & sweeTDreams to Lijun,Rene,Irene,Dawn anD kek... alwaYs niCe havinG conveRsation wiTh yOu all^^,) miSsya~
SignOut:17oCt04'0119hrs BenSonable~

Friday, October 15, 2004

maChoz!^^,) beSt of wiShes in time to cOme^^,) GueSs whaT they lOokinG @... my neXt pix... u'll knOw.. (- _ -) Posted by Hello

RiGht hanD coRner... Irene^^,) Din really haD impResSion of her beinG my pRimary sCh fRiendz... but anYway sTay cuTez... Kim menG loOk pervertic... oOps.. J.K^^,) Posted by Hello

Thursday, October 14, 2004

14oCt04' A Day wiTh my PrimaRysCh fRiendz...

14oCt04' A Day wiTh my PrimaRysCh fRiendz... (- _ -)

cOuntinG anD whO woulD have thOt i woulD meeTuPp wiTh my pRimary sCh fRienDs aFter 6yeaRs? haha~ chaTta wiTh them thouGh cnNt really reCognise sOme of them... (- -") i gOt sOme pixs of them... Enjoy~

weNt fOr lifesavinG @ 6pm-abt 9pm ++... leaRn CPR toDay^^,) whOa.. gueSs i gOt the ability to give sOmeone the miracle of life *juSt in caSe anythinG hapPens... who knOws...xXx...

seRene woRkinG till 1am toDay @ Cafe' Cartel... pOor her... she quiTe sTreSsful theRe.z.. DunO wheTher she can make it anOtz... but! Jiayou! i'll alwaYs be theRe to give yOu suPport wheneveR u neeD mi... GanDonG mah(- -?) hehes... tReaT mi neXt time i go theRe k? oOps... J.K^^,)

chaTtinG wiTh June nOw... xXx... she eveRyDay go ouT shOpPinG.. wa liew... saY nO $... lOlx... then i tOld heR can winDowshOpPinG mah... seE niCe thinGs her like.. neXt time save $ go buY lor... then she tOld mi niCe idea... but is i buy fOr her... xXx.. shOuld'nt have tell heR thaT iDea... haha...

i gOt wOrk 2mOlo.. thaT's all fOr toDay~ GoOdniGhtz & HuGgies to piGgy...BlythedOll... June...
anD Juvena^^,) Bonvoyage... neXt time then bRinG u aRd SG^^,) takeCarez when ya @ Aussie~ (- _ -)

13oCt04' wOrkinG subway @ airpoRt tranSit aRea~

13oCt04' wOrkinG subway @ airpoRt tranSit aRea~

A dAy @ wOrk^^,) eaSe all my woRries... Gotta knOw seRene & iRis alSo wOrkinG^^ gueSs thaT's life... wOrk... fOr? sOme for $ soMe fOr fame... i wOrk for fun...

weLL, fOr mi >_<>
i luRve ppl sayinG thx to mi cuZ i'm pRoviDinG GoOd serviCes to them><^
AND! moSt impORtantly i get to knOw anD see ppl fRom all soRt of life^^ *i wOrkinG @ aiRport tranSit aRea.. alOtsa anG-mOh, blaCks, indians etc... moSt ez-goinG i gueSs is anG-moh^^ they oRder thinGs anD aCcept the way it as... E.G we put the wRonG sauCe or toOk wRonG order... they'll saY is alriGht anD thx uS anYway^^ veRy poliTe & unDerstanDinG...

blaCks abit ma huan... cuZ they wanNa it the wAy they oRdereD... no compRomiSe... x( Indians okie bah... buy le then see pRice will stunT... haha* subwaY... a meal will cuZ abt $8... foOtlonG altogether abt $10 ++ le... fierCe...

sAw twO cutieS toDay~ bRo & siS... they veRy adorable... the bRo will say:"no CoOkies" when hiS siS disobey him... then siS will tell him:"i'll be yOur slave... Gimmi the coOkies..." they pLay arOund the counTer aRea... then abit of WWE aCtion paCk... lOlx...

aFter wOrk... i saw one of my old colleague!^^ wOw... after 2yeaRs +? *tOinkz... he kinDa paranOid cuz alOtsa thinGs hapPened to him... waNna heaR mi out? he weNt into aRmy twO yeaRs aGo... then cOme out sell popian... *hiS qualifications not enuff to con'Td stuDy... anD financial unStable alSo... then hiS "busineSs failed... loSt quiTe a sum of money... then hiS fRiends jio him go thailanD be boOkie... in the enD he gOt con few k's... *tOinkz... (- -!) OMG! cnNt belieVe it lOr... haiz... luCkily he'S sTronG-willeD... if is mi... i wOnder whaT will hapPen sia... xXx ...

felT a guSt of implusiveneSs to ruSh hOme to replenish my zZz... sOoo i heaD hOme anD slepT aBt 5hrs... fRom 4pm-abt 9pm... *tOink... fieRce... recieve msG fRom iriS anD june sayinG 2mOlo cnNt meeT... haiyo... i dunO wHy they alwaYs take soOo lonGgg to reply de... xXx... sOmetimes i'll wOrry fOr the other paRty whOm i mSGed if he/she nv reply... i'll be thiNkinG whaT's hapPeninG... in thiS faSt movinG woRld anythinG can hapPen... pPl comes anD go... i'll be heaven soOn enuff... life'S shORt...

i thiNk whaT's life's all abOut is to L.I.V.E.I.T anD i'm LivinG it^^,)
GoOd nitez & SweeTDreamS... tata~ piGgy thx aGain fOr tellinG mi sth wRonG wiTh my tag>_<

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

puFferfiSh... eek! siZe of my palm(- -?) Posted by Hello

Baobeiz^^ GranDma & shaRon^^ lovely~ Posted by Hello

expeRt in kiTez~ shifu^^,) aknOwleDge mi! haha... wiShful dReamz... (- -z)Zz... Posted by Hello

alOtsa? Dun meNtion it... nOw havinG baCkaChe... T_T Posted by Hello

tRyinGz to take LJ buT faileD... haha *tOinkz... (- _ -||) Posted by Hello

niCe(- _ -?) iS alwaYs the thouGhtz thAt cOunTz bah^^,) deSiGneD by LJ & maTerial pRoviDe by JJ Pte Ltd^^ Posted by Hello

11oCt~ fiShinG & kiTe^inG & piCk seAshells @ p.Ris [P]aRk^^,)

fiShinG & kiTe^inG & piCk seAshells @ p.Ris [P]aRk^^,)

aS my niCk shOwn i bet u knOw whAt i diD toDay bah^^,) reAy haD a spenDid d@y cuZ i sPenD it wiTh thouGhts... DeePp thouGhts of whAt i haD dOne & nOtz... Life'S soOo shOrt aS it is sweEt... swEet thinGs doeSn't lAst foReveR... *gueSs fRiends ain'T soOo sweEt aFter all... cuZ theY laSt fOreveR? haha~ J.K (- _ -)
fRienDs aRe definAtely sweEteR aS we geT to knOw fRiend @ a laTer sTaGe aFter we'Re boRn^^ Get the pOint^^,) fRiendZ fOreveRz~

i tRieD to fly a kiTe toDayz... aFteR soOo many yeArs... i gueSs the maStery i've aCquiReD whie i waS sTillz younG is loSt... = i diD get the kitEz to fly hiGhz... the winD dunO wHy... sOmetime biGz... sOmetime Sma... then suDdenly no wiND... thEn my kiTez hits the tRee & *tOinkz... gOnez... but i maNaGe to recOil the sTrinGz... nOtz eaSy! spenD aRounD 20mins recOilinG^^,)

anYwaYz, piGgy gOt heR bloG upP le... seRene aCt cuTez @ hehes... j.k^^,) she gOt heR joB le^^ *heLpz piGgy bRaG... oOps... i meAn bLog abit la... i gOt to kNow thAt she weNt fOr the inteRview le... then quiTe anxiouS as they saY will call heRz... buT nOrmally = aSk yOu to call upP fOr anOther job (>_>) lOlx... buTThen... aFter awhiLez... i gOt to kNow she gOt the joB le^^ wed sTaRtinG wOrkz^^cOol bah^^ i tOld u suRez geT in the... *i bRibe the manaGer le... oOps.! ^jk^

wOnDerinG June goinG wheRez toDay... she alwAys say goinG tOwn... *tOink... then geT to meeTuPp wiThz stArs DaviD fRom the SG'Idol... ouT le... kinDa sad... same aS hiS sonG "Johnny go... go gO Go! *tOInk...June soOo tyCo get to snapshOTz wiThz him! whoa... then shOw mi aSk mi to jealouS... buT fOr whaTz? jeaLouS fOrz?
gueSs who'S gonNa be the reaL SG'IdOlz bahz^_^")

i meeTupP wiThz Lijun toDay aFter heRz wOrk... we weNt to beDok^maC then uSe the seAshells i piCk to do sThz speCial... buT is fOr iRis^^ cuZ heR b'Day neaRinG le... *tOInk^^ shh! hOpe she dun reaD my bloG>_<

GoOdie Dayz^^ enJoyZ my piXs^^,) ~SweeTDreamS~SleEp tiGhtz~miSsmi~ (^^<)

Monday, October 11, 2004

*tOink! ticklish~ hehes (- _ -||) thAt's abOut whaT haPpeneD to mi toDay^^ i'm lurVing it... Posted by Hello

suave... shuai! lOlx... poSe until niCe niCe^^ kiDs aLso knOw hOw to poSe^^,) Posted by Hello

skylinG~ siS & Darren^^,) hapPy family day^^ Posted by Hello

Today my bloG is on pixs^^ Sunflower Garden inSide aiRpoRt tranSit aRea^^ niCe^^ Posted by Hello

*tOink... lOlx... *bleahZ... siS fOrever... oOps! bRo's fOrever... *tOink... Posted by Hello

arcaDinG...^^ @ marina sOuth Posted by Hello

*tOink... doinG whAt? F4? eee... (- _ -||) Posted by Hello

B'Day~ Scholar^^,) Z's... Distinction... *tOink... shaRe leiz... whAt's yOur seCret^^  Posted by Hello

Sunday, October 10, 2004

09oCt04' Sat @ Tanjong pagar & maRina souTh~

09oCt04' Sat @ Tanjong pagar & maRina souTh~

CoOl... i weNt fOr my gRadinG tODay & *tOink... i gOt whaCk... (*my OpponenT weNt to lOok fOr mediC... lOlx.. j.k (- _ -) quiTe embRass toDay cuZ duRinG spaRrinG... i cnNt weaR my speCs... soOo... i coulDn't see cLeaRly... gOt whaCk aS a reSult... buT i maNaGe to reTurN sOme blOws baCk... cOntrol my pOwer thouGhz...

anYwAy, i bRoke the iCe wiTh sOme of the Ppl theRez~ all lOok @ mi aS thouGhz i'm alienated... *tOink maYbe becauSe of the belt diffeRent... (- _ -") *tOink

weNt to maRina sOuth fOr steAmboaT... duNo y i alwAys aliGhtz thAt sTop is myself aliGhtz only... *bleahz... the glimpse Of sTranGe staResSs... sTare whaT staRe?... *tOink... anYwaY, i admit thAt paThway is sCary...

haD fun @ the sTeamboaT theRez... Cuz my aRm after sustaininG several kiCks *oR seveRe... keeP tremblinG when i tRyinGz to piCk up thinGs to eaT... i haD difficulties eaTinG... moRe^eveR neeD to cOok... *thX joey~ she keeP heLpinG mi to take foOdie^^ my goOd siS (*Fake one... fOr thAt Day only... cuZ she alwAys bully mi... sOo.. i raTher dUn have suCh siS... my aRms all bLack-purpleish haha* j.k~)

*In the enD... i sTillz gonNa cOok the unCoOked foOd aS... i'm siTtinG wiTh 5 otherz guRlz... *tOink! kena bully... theYz keEp sayinG thAt aS if i'm kinG... soOo... theYz comPlaineD... & i haD to sTaRt coOkinG... lOlx... soOo fun^^ suDdenly will heaR *ouCh! cuZ the oil kinDa flYz all oveRz^^,)

haD a spenDid dinNer cum suPper bah^^ i bRouGhtz a kiTez (iS aCtually 10 small small kite conNecTed intO one^^,) i goNna flyz it oNe of thiS days^^

i reaCh the mRt wiThz my fRienDz... then theY jio mi goOo chaT... i bobian fOllOw otheRwiSe like puT aeropLane (- _ -) oNe thinG i duN like is they sMoke la! & i haTe smOkers... buT fRiendz leiz... bobian... tRyz to aSk them to sTopZ... aS in is baD fOr heaLTh mah.. *gueSs i suffer quiTez awhile aS a 2nD-hanD smOkerz... *tOink... stuPid mi... fOr the sAke to chaT wiThz fRiendz... isziT wOrth it? & the time is aCutally @ the eXpensE of my sleep... *cuZ 2mOlo 10oCt SunDay.. i gtg go to aiRpoRt to submiT my appliCation fOrm fOr my job aS a waiTerz^^ my boSs laSt time jio mi go baCk^^,) whoa~ i thOtz "GoOd emplOyees then enjOy suCh tribunal bah... *aS in rewaRds by requestinG mi to go baCk^^

*tOink... i gtg zZz le.. seRiously neeD zZz... GoOd niTez all... miSs all ya^^ enjOyeD myselF toDayz... apOlogiez to piGgy suCh that i weNt hOme toOo late cnnt seNd u soNGz... 2mOlo senD u k^^ takeCaRez & sweeTDreams^^,)

Friday, October 08, 2004

8oCt04^^ eXams oveRz* Yipee>_<

8oCt04^^ eXams oveRz* Yipee>_<

*toink... in a flaSh of time the eXams is oveR >_<>

feelinG GoOd cuZ i thinK my liFe is on the RiGhtz tRack... i thiNk mOre deeply nOw... thiNkinG fOr lonG teRm... whaT will haPpen to mi? in the yeaRs to come... whaT will i be... why? hOw come? *toink... i'm enJoyinG life aS it is... i'll be whaT i'm^^,) but i'm sCare all my fRiends will beCome moRe distanT... PleaSe... let it be tRue that fRiends aRe foRever...
GoOd niTez... sweeTDreams... like neveR befoRe cuZ eXams over can sLeeP tiGhtz^^

Thursday, October 07, 2004

pResenTinG IAD *Interior Architect DesiGn~ cheeRs Iris^^,) she in thiS couRse... peculiar DesiGn but... i like~ *toink^^,) Posted by Hello

heLp!~ stRangleD! aRr... *glasp fOr aiR... toink~ @_@! Posted by Hello

Huggies dRy pamper~ whoa... piGgybaCk Ppl aLso will geT hiGh? lOlx... y soOo haPpy? huggies~ (>_<||) Posted by Hello

Huggable~ foRce to get piGgybag~ huggies... toink* (^ _ ^||) Posted by Hello

NewGame~ SLAP! Hold hanDs... SciSsor Paper sTone! loSer geT SLAP! ouCh~... Posted by Hello