Tuesday, November 02, 2004

1Stnov04' A gReat kiCkstaRt to my NovemBer^^,)

1Stnov04' A gReat kiCkstaRt to my NovemBer^^,)

one thiNk i knOw that i haD a gReat day spenD wiTh June & sally ~thx~
iRis b'Day is neaRinG anD i dunO what to buy fOr her... lOlx. PinkxXx is my only clue~ Special thx to Luvina who tRied to help mi solve my pRoblem.. (*stiLLxXx pOnDerinG what to dooOoo...) anYway... a piCtuRe paints a thousanD woRds bah... cheCkout my pixs anD yOu'll fiGuRe^^,)

@ abOut lunChtime... real paisae aS we weNt into a reStaurant that is "oPen" but is still pRepaRinG for openinG... in the enD we wEnt in anD waS kinDa disappOinteD... we haD to eat paSta mania^^,) whiCh waS besiDe the reStaurant... Din catCh the name of that pLaCe... comically enuff~ aFter we finiSh our fOod, the shOp waS officially oPen.. *swt

weNt in to the aRcade anD play the duNo what game ...lOlx... uSe the hanDler anD hit the disc heRexXx anD hit theRexXx anD try to scoRex^^,) sooOoo funNy... i uSe one hanD aGainSt June anD sally alSo can win... then i put my hanD up in the aiR they alSo tRied veRy haRd to hit it in... (- ___ -)

watCh laDder49 toDayz - June say niCe de... in the enD i saw heR yawninG... lOlx... i diD yawn toO,X aS the commercial waS for 15mins++ lor... (- _ -z)Zzz.. i bRouGht the combo wiTh the pOpcOrn anD dRinks anD we gOt a fRee (*shaRk tale) watCh^^<) but June put on heR lap anD afteR the shOw we go out shOpPinG for awhile then realiSe she loSt it... haiyo~ but she veRy cOol aS she say nvm abOut the watCh.. lOlx.

afteR the shOw go shOpPinG awhile then go hOme le... meeTuPp wiTh my siS 1/2way hOme anD weNt to NTUC to buy $20 thinGy... then i weNt hOme make "subway" for my siS~ lOlx... CopyriGhtxXx^^,)

Gtg zZz le... 2mOlo goinG to sCh fOr E-Innovation bRiefinG~
GoOdniGhtxXx anD sweeTDreams~

niCe pix? wiShinG upOn the staRs... i gOt only One caR & is Porsche... (*my leGs... "caR" in hOkkien^^,) Posted by Hello

tOys fOr all aGes... heRexXx an E.G~ no1. is eveR oveRaGe fOr toys^^,) (*oOps~ J.K! gueSs who'S behinD"?) hehes. Posted by Hello

Monday, November 01, 2004

aiRstewdeSs? hehes~ nOtxXx bad leixXx... (*i mean the lagguaGe) hehes~ >__< Posted by Hello

taken @ paSta mania^^,) miDdle aCt cuTexXx riGhtx? Sally alSo pOint @ heRx... (- __ -") Posted by Hello

dunO wHy hOw we take the pixs... Sally faCe alwaYs sooOoo white... OMG! i gonNa cheCk wheTher she gOt chin anOtxXx... (- -,") Posted by Hello

niCe smile... i gueSs bcuz of the priCeTag bah... *swt Posted by Hello

niCe analyse"?) but i ratheR dun dRink anD live lonGgger? doeS that wOrk? hehes. Posted by Hello

PiGgies~ Quite lOokalike^^?) oOps... (- __ -||) Posted by Hello

anGelic~ niCe pixs mah^^?) niD sKills de hOrxXx^^,) Posted by Hello

suRe anoTxXx? havinG absolute doubts~ J.K^^,) hehes. niCe shiRt... (*sth wRonG wiTh the impRints...) Posted by Hello

True enuff~ i thiNk i'll get it fRom heR aGainxXx if she see thiS heRex... (- __ -||) Posted by Hello

decoRateD by mi^^,) nth better to do riGhtx? but it hiGhliGhts the diSh~ moRe colOurful^^,) Posted by Hello

my gRanNy^^,) pRepaRinG craBbie~ Posted by Hello

tinG tinG~ on the "rinG" we have herbal chiCken, oily veGgies, nuohianG, miXed vieGgie sOup... whO will emeRge champiOn? we'll see... the matCh staRts!~ Posted by Hello

say hellO to craPpy~ oOps... i mean cRabbie (- __ -||) Posted by Hello

my GuGu^^,) spenDid dinNer bah >__< Posted by Hello

shaRon~ cutie^^,) Posted by Hello