28Dec04'! Few moRe days to 2005 countdown! hohoho. oOps! i mean hehehe~ christmaS mooD haveN't ceaSe... (- __ -!)
anyway... feeling upPp's and DOwn this few days... traumatised by the tsunami over @ India and Indonesia... the death tolls is shockingly over 30k and counting... suCh natural disaster cannot be stop. either can the people be warn... juSt wonDering what's life all about. while some people struggling for survival... the other live to see the survivor...
The forces of natuRe oveRcomes almoSt eveRythinG.
But not the persistant of human nature for survival..
Luckily the boOks i boRrowed kinDa opened up my mind... broaded my thinking and sort out my thouGhts.. thouGh some miGht think what's haPpening over the other side of the world is not of our business.. but now in this world where it's Globalisation~ thinGs haPpening will indirectly affect eaCh of the nations.. that's why people of nations come together to helpout.. :/
Help is a BIGgg word when people shouts for it.. because you're able to provide assistance to lift the person from danGer.. that's why people came up wiTh S.O.S - if you'Re wonDering what's S.O.S.. it aCtually stanDs for SaveOurSoul.. whoa.. if it doesN't sounD seriouS enouGh then think aGain.. Life & Death situation.
arGh.. felt like cRying. whilst smiling. For those who died, and those who is still in one piece.. Is this the way motheR natuRe contRol population gRowth rate? or is a punishment for those who neveR cheriSh and L.O.V.E the mother eaRth...
Few days aGo while i'm still celebRating chRistmas... few days later amourning for the death of 30k ppl... i'm loSt. cuz few daYs later ppl celebRates for NewyeaR (*2005)like nobody busineSs and the incident "toDay" is anOther daily busineSs.. i gueSs when thinGs stRike us then we'll realise how crucial the suituation is... but the Qns is bRouGht upon to us "SO WHAT?"
Shaken by ppl who don't care so simply they think they couldn't help.. peRhaps i waS juSt waSting my time woRrying? thouGh i think i'm maturing and sharpening my thinking.. but what i can do to achieve unDerstanding..
29Dec04'Wed 2pm-5pm
2mOlo helpinG out for the Director's Cup as Medic.. i wiSh i never be of need = no1's injuried.
Sometimes No news is Good new.. No help is eveR sufficient.
kikiz... sCh @ 9am~ Gtg(^^!)
GoodniGht & swEetdReams to you(~~!)
SleeptiGht & sLeepwell~