Wednesday, December 29, 2004

29Dec04' Feeling moOdy

29Dec04' Feeling moOdy...

Quote from the boOk...
We are not pass beings, pressed toward awakeningby forces outside us. Our deepest instincts for survival and growth have call this movement, this time in history, into being. Being someone you wanted to be... and all you can do is to Believe that miracle exist in this world of uncertainty where anything could haPpen.

Treasure eveRyone you knOw and L.O.V.E them like neveR befoRe. it's not by chanCe your L.O.V.E ones are by youR side.. it's a miracle if you ever ponDer cuz...
Life is a miracle, while Living is anotheR chanCe to show that miracle exist by L.O.V.E'ing one anOther by Being L.O.V.E...

I love all.
GoodniGht & sleeptiGht thouGh... 2mOlo will alwaYs be a better day... (*@ leaSt i hope so...)
Sch @ 12pm! whoa.. that's Good new(~~!)

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

28Dec04'! Few moRe days to 2005 countdown! hohoho

28Dec04'! Few moRe days to 2005 countdown! hohoho. oOps! i mean hehehe~ christmaS mooD haveN't ceaSe... (- __ -!)

anyway... feeling upPp's and DOwn this few days... traumatised by the tsunami over @ India and Indonesia... the death tolls is shockingly over 30k and counting... suCh natural disaster cannot be stop. either can the people be warn... juSt wonDering what's life all about. while some people struggling for survival... the other live to see the survivor...

The forces of natuRe oveRcomes almoSt eveRythinG.

But not the persistant of human nature for survival..

Luckily the boOks i boRrowed kinDa opened up my mind... broaded my thinking and sort out my thouGhts.. thouGh some miGht think what's haPpening over the other side of the world is not of our business.. but now in this world where it's Globalisation~ thinGs haPpening will indirectly affect eaCh of the nations.. that's why people of nations come together to helpout.. :/

Help is a BIGgg word when people shouts for it.. because you're able to provide assistance to lift the person from danGer.. that's why people came up wiTh S.O.S - if you'Re wonDering what's S.O.S.. it aCtually stanDs for SaveOurSoul.. whoa.. if it doesN't sounD seriouS enouGh then think aGain.. Life & Death situation.

arGh.. felt like cRying. whilst smiling. For those who died, and those who is still in one piece.. Is this the way motheR natuRe contRol population gRowth rate? or is a punishment for those who neveR cheriSh and L.O.V.E the mother eaRth...


Few days aGo while i'm still celebRating chRistmas... few days later amourning for the death of 30k ppl... i'm loSt. cuz few daYs later ppl celebRates for NewyeaR (*2005)like nobody busineSs and the incident "toDay" is anOther daily busineSs.. i gueSs when thinGs stRike us then we'll realise how crucial the suituation is... but the Qns is bRouGht upon to us "SO WHAT?"

Shaken by ppl who don't care so simply they think they couldn't help.. peRhaps i waS juSt waSting my time woRrying? thouGh i think i'm maturing and sharpening my thinking.. but what i can do to achieve unDerstanding..

29Dec04'Wed 2pm-5pm
2mOlo helpinG out for the Director's Cup as Medic.. i wiSh i never be of need = no1's injuried.

Sometimes No news is Good new.. No help is eveR sufficient.

kikiz... sCh @ 9am~ Gtg(^^!)
GoodniGht & swEetdReams to you(~~!)
SleeptiGht & sLeepwell~

Monday, December 27, 2004

MonDay c(Oo,")L 27thDec04'

MonDay c(Oo,")L

i alwaYs lOok foRward to go sCh cuz i'm alwaYs hunGry... to feed myself wiTh information~ so muCh so that i even weNt to the library & boRrow two boOks(- -!) waS i juSt beinG (*fRee?) or waS i juSt twi Greedy? lOlx... hOpe i don't get oveRweiGht... thouGh i got few aRticle reviews in hands but my itchy hand juSt stRetch & reaCh out for the boOks...

-The awakened Heart- (*niCe, inspiring book...)
-Explorations for open minds- (*and i think it's gonna be the riGht boOk for mi^^!)

Listening to power98 riGht now... roCks my woRld (*cuz my comp sounD system got sOme problem.. *sob)

Gladly you all like my blog.. really cutee! i juSt can't stop lauGhing (*smilinG) cuz the cuteness is overwhelming(~~!)
well well well... what can i say? THANK YOU for lurving my bloG(^^!)

Gtg accomplish my thinGy..
Bad news - 2mOlo sCh @ 8am..
Good news - Get to see my fRiends aGain(^_^!) lurve all them..

that's what fRiends are for i guess.. be theRe when yOu need them.. biG thx to feng & niCk for aCcompanying mi toDay.. Life is all a paRt of expeRience~ Glad you'Re paRt of my life experienCe... Thanks for being my fRiend(^^!)

>kiki - Good niGhtzZz -
~ Don't woRry too muCh about the little "milestones".. you'll leaRn to go over them(~~!) takecaRex!


TeSting my new bloG... sth wRong with the taGgy box... *sob
Been Celebrating for paSt few days... (*sinCe chRistmas eve...) really wOrn out myself = i neeD moRe zZz... waNna wiSh eveRyone a haPpy new yeaR~
a kiCkstaRt for a betteR 2mOlo.. i go zZz le.. hehes^^!) niGht(~~!)

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

21thDec04' PaSt few daYs haPpeninG

21thDec04' PaSt few daYs haPpeninG (~~,")
caNnot imagine what i experience in the paSt few days... Really it's unbelievable..
i truly believed what's been said & heaRd... heRe goes~
L.I.F.E has Limitation.. but if yOu neveR tRy, yOu'll neveR nOw how far yOu'll go.
Challenge the limits-

thouGh i haveN't bloG for a few days...(*becuz really hunG upPp on the edge of time...) i'm tRymg to speNt eveRy momeNt of my life woRthwhile & doN't wanNa waSte any pRecious time.

ThinGs i've dOne sinCe i laSt bloG...
Saturday 18Dec04' - Helpout @ sCh eveNt -Director's Club- Co-organiser cum' undeRtake medic (*Still leaRninG) cum'scoRekeEp... In the enD = SUNBURN Event ends @ arounD 6pm++ as we had to pRepare for 2mOlo eveNt 22nDdeC04' Wed (*Christmas Charity Carnival~) ThouGh i was supPose to go to TKD... i weNt to BBQ instead to speNd sOme quality time wiTh my buDdies(> In life theRe's too maNy compRomises... whiCh ouR desiRe to multi-taSkinG & to be @ maNy plaCes caNnot be fulfilled. Hope yOu unDerstand

SunDay 19Dec'04' Went to my GranNy hOmey toDay (*aS usual she gave mi $ whiCh i aCcepted reluctantly...) It's my JiuJiu biGbiG day... he GettinG maRried & the bRide whoa... (*dRool...) we weNt phOto-takinG @ angmOh kio paRk, JiuJiu hOmey & etc... had so muCh fun usinG my phOne to take pixs~~!) (*Thx to Chine Saw who spOnsor mi the 32MB MMC~ weNt hOme @ 4pm++ for my family "gatheRinG" whiCh i weNt stRaiGht to bed and reSt for awhile... (*cuz i waS foRce to wakeuPp @ 8am havinG slept 3am++ the day befoRezZz...) anYway, i bRouGht preseNt for my sis kids (*Family b4 self)... Lovable kiddo's

MonDay~ 20Dec04' Had to wakeuPp @ 8am (*nOt aGain...) but thiS time cuz i could'nt get to sleEp... leSson @ 10am but i weNt to sCh @ 9am to settle thinGy for thiS cominG eveNt (*Christmas Charity Carnival~) i had leSsons till 8pm toDay and had to ruSh dOwn to sOmerset to attend JiuJiu wedding~ abit of ruSh heRe & there and i got stOpped by a girl on the road aSking for donation... (*alemah.. i gOt con aGain.. my heaRt alwaYs give way to my mind.. caNnot cOntrol~)

Tues 21Dec04' HAD FUN! 2mOlo is the Big day... the day i had been pReparing.. CHRISTMAS CHARITY CARNIVAL(~~!) DO dRop by @ Engineer to suPport us!CYA!


21thDec04' PaSt few daYs haPpeninG (~~,")

caNnot imagine what i experience in the paSt few days... Really it's unbelievable..
i truly believed what's been said & heaRd... heRe goes~
L.I.F.E has Limitation..
but if yOu neveR tRy, yOu'll neveR nOw how far yOu'll go. -Challenge the limits-
thouGh i haveN't bloG for a few days...(*becuz really hunG upPp on the edge of time...) i'm tRymg to speNt eveRy momeNt of my life woRthwhile & doN't wanNa waSte any pRecious time.

ThinGs i've dOne sinCe i laSt bloG...
Saturday 18Dec04'
- Helpout @ sCh eveNt -Director's Club-
Co-organiser cum' undeRtake medic (*Still leaRninG) cum'scoRekeEp...
In the enD = SUNBURN
Event ends @ arounD 6pm++ as we had to pRepare for 2mOlo eveNt
22nDdeC04' Wed (*Christmas Charity Carnival~)

ThouGh i was supPose to go to TKD... i weNt to BBQ instead to speNd sOme quality time wiTh my buDdies(>

In life theRe's too maNy compRomises... whiCh ouR desiRe to multi-taSkinG & to be @ maNy plaCes caNnot be fulfilled. Hope yOu unDerstand>

SunDay 19Dec'04'
Went to my GranNy hOmey toDay (*aS usual she gave mi $ whiCh i aCcepted reluctantly...) It's my JiuJiu biGbiG day... he GettinG maRried & the bRide whoa... (*dRool...) we weNt phOto-takinG @ angmOh kio paRk, JiuJiu hOmey & etc... had so muCh fun usinG my phOne to take pixs~~!) (*Thx to Chine Saw who spOnsor mi the 32MB MMC~

weNt hOme @ 4pm++ for my family "gatheRinG" whiCh i weNt stRaiGht to bed and reSt for awhile... (*cuz i waS foRce to wakeuPp @ 8am havinG slept 3am++ the day befoRezZz...) anYway, i bRouGht preseNt for my sis kids (*Family b4 self)... Lovable kiddo's(>

MonDay~ 20Dec04'
Had to wakeuPp @ 8am (*nOt aGain...) but thiS time cuz i could'nt get to sleEp... leSson @ 10am but i weNt to sCh @ 9am to settle thinGy for thiS cominG eveNt (*Christmas Charity Carnival~) i had leSsons till 8pm toDay and had to ruSh dOwn to sOmerset to attend JiuJiu wedding~ abit of ruSh heRe & there and i got stOpped by a girl on the road aSking for donation... (*alemah.. i gOt con aGain.. my heaRt alwaYs give way to my mind.. caNnot cOntrol~)

Tues 21Dec04'
HAD FUN! 2mOlo is the Big day... the day i had been pReparing.. CHRISTMAS CHARITY CARNIVAL(~~!)
DO dRop by @ Engineer to suPport us!CYA!

Sunday, December 19, 2004


19Dec04' Problematic day... alOtsa thinGy i encounteR toDay wiSh i do nOt really waNna say... peRhaps i could bloG & pour out my inteRnal feeling of hOw i feel... inferior or suPerior is upPp to yOu to judge...

1. Does One failuRe leads to anOther? oR becauSe we did nOt bOther to take detours("?)
-There was this book i came upon with...
It goes like this...
Chapter 1.
i walk down the street and fell into a hole... i didn't knOw it was there but i tRy to get out and i tried very hard... i manage to get out of the hole and caRry on wiTh my journey (*Life)

Chapter 2.
i walk down the same street, knOwing the hole was there... i continue walking & i fell into the same hole (*Made same miStake...) it wasn't my fault because i had to walk down that street... (*Had to do it... no choice.) i try to get out and i managed to get out in a shorter time... (*Learned from previous mistake and improvise on it...)

Chapter 3.
i walk down the same street, knowing the hole was there i made a detour... but i fell into anOther hole... (*Made anOther mistake...) i did nOt hesitate but to get out of the hole immediately... Because i knOw it wasn't my fault... i had to caRry on wiTh my journey (*Life)

Chapter 4.
Walking down the same street, i try to fill up the holes... (*Amending our mistakes...) but i realise i dug anOther hole to fill up the otheR holes... (*One miStake leaDs to anOther...) i tried veRy hard but it's impoSsible to fill up all the holes.. (*Everyone make mistakes...) so... i continue with my journey (*Life*) and try to avoid falling into the holes again.

Chapter 5.
i still walk dOwn the same stReet and did nOt fall as muCh or as haRd as i did onCe... thouGh i still fall into sOme holes.. (*inevitably...) i manaGe to get up in the shoRtest time and continue wiTh my journey...

Chapter 6.
I walk throuGh anOther stReet... (*Life experience... From childhood to teenage aGe to adulthood etc...

nth muCh to say exCept dis-satisfaction whiCh i haveN't pours out... but juSt to remind myself regarding the bOok... i wOuld forGet all my tRoubles.. did i make miStakes? or i reGet doinG sth or nOt doinG sth? it's fOr yOurself to decide...
BeSt of luCk in life~

Gotta go zZz le...
kikiz~ GooDniGht & sleEp tiGhtx... SwEetdReams...

Thursday, December 16, 2004

15thDec04' Specially for nick...

15thDec04' Specially for nick...

Perhaps... Perhaps! i'm oveRscheduled... niCk! i'll pRomiSe to boOk sOme days for kelong, ktv, sushi'ing etc... (*if ya gimme sOme info reGarding days/time/venue etc.) bOokinG in advanCe^^!) 1St cOme 1St seRve basis... anywaY, no offense but... i'm kinDa siCk of meEtinG yOu guys upPp (*cuz no1. will be on time...) and i'm alwaYs waitinG (*that's wHy my neCk gettinG lonGer...)

anOther thinGy is sOmetime i dOn't get it wHy muSt choOse two locatiOn to meEtupPp? (*i mean miGht as well all meEt @ one specific place...) remz the goOd old times... we neEd moRe communicatiOn otheRwise will cauSe miSunDerstandinG (*aGain? nah... pLease no moRe nonsense"?) i saw feng (*hang up on you...) hen say yOu lied to him (*due to sOme compRomiSes yOu made...) & CS (*innocenCe victim alSo get say...) i really loSt for wOrds le...

Failure is the mOther of suCcess... leaRn from ea. of our miStake & we'll keEp on gRowinG (*moRe mature thiNkinG = No moRe GAMING...) i kinDa loSt touCh wiTh moSt of yOu (*my buDdies) cuz moSt of yOu too engRoss in GAMING... peRhaps it's time to retuRn to reality insteaD of living in the virtual woRd (*Game...)

-BaCk to myself-
-wHat haPpen toDay is HISTORY!!!-
-hOpe hiStory doeSn't repeat..

anYway, weNt to sCh as usual (*as in late aGain..) supPoSe i cOuld reaCh sCh on time but i miSs 2 buses bcuz i weNt to purchaSe sweEts.. uPon reaChinG sCh, i ruSh to the lift and being the 8th level, i thOt i cOuld pRess level8 when all otheRs aliGhted the lift @ level7... (*but i waS wRonG...) i had no time to pReSs the level 8 & the lift weNt dOwn to level 1 aGainzZz... pPl squeeze into the lift and i saw level 4,5,6,7 lightup... (*nOt aGainz!) theRefoRe i pReSsed on level8 although i was hestitating .. (*i stOod @ the baCk of the lift...) luCkily my hanDs weRe long enuff to reaCh the switCh... but anYway, i'm L.A.T.E (>_>!)

sCh enDs @ 1pm wheReby i had to atteNd a meeTinG @ 2pm... theReafter @ 7pm got anOther meEting with external PresideNt of ASHRAE (*my Club~) yOu cNnt imagine hOw long-winDed he is... basically talking abOut the same thing over & over aGainzZz... perhaps my bloG can challenGe him :/

o my... i kinDa brain dead nOw... goTta go zZz le...
kikiz~ GoodniGht & swEetpies dReams sLeEptiGht & remz to coveR blanket~~,")
.:Tata:. (- _ -zZz)...

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

14Dec04' boRinG day yet spenDid~~,")

14Dec04' boRinG day yet spenDid (~~,")

whoOsh~ 11pm! cNnt wait till 2mOlo cOmes cuz playinG badmintOn 2mOlo wiTh Des, Joy, wee tao and hOpefully kiki will join alSo(^^,) it's beEn aGes sinCe we meEtupPp for badmintOn... i gueSs i goNna give my beSt shOt(~~!)

toDay miSseD my tRip to the gym due to sOme unforeseen ciRcumstanCes... i had to aTtend my CDS due to sOme eRror in my timetable.. (*human eRror..) lonGgg stoRy~ had fouR boRinG houRs of economic stuDies! speNt 2houRs ea. wiTh twO diff leCturer... zZz...

nth special muCh haPpen toDay exCept for the faCt that 2mOlo i'll be hOldinG a meEtinG with my cOmmittee membeRs... eveNts aRe cOminG... heaRt aRe pumpinG real haRd to tide oveR this few wEeks tiGht-upPp sChedules...

v.PresideNt of my club call mi juSt nOw to infOrm mi that we have to meEtupPp wiTh the ITE-ASHRAE for sOme chRistmas meEtinG... i waS like "huh!?" cuz the meEtinG plaCe waS @ PS @ 7pm (*Plaza Singapura!?) o my.. Get alife? wHy go sooOoo far... and we neEed to get chRistmaS pResents for them usinG our own poCket $!? &!!! moSt impoRtantly... what date iszit ar!? cRap... !@#$%^&*

anywaY, gOt a few pRojeCts (*moStly is aRticle reviews...) in hand whiCh i muSt cOmplete by thiS wEek.. (*Targeted date set by myself.. so i can be moRe focus on my otheR thinGy...)

*i goNna go reGister to be a GL (Group Leader"?) for the cominG FOC (Freshmen Orientation Camp) Yr04/05 if my application to be an undertake medic doesN't permit... gueSs goNna shOut heRe & theRe aGain... (- _ -!)

2mOlo claSs @ 9pm! whoa... muCh of a bleSsinG cuz toDay claSses @ 8am whiCh i overslept.. wOkeupPp in paniCky state... ruSh to sCh in cab in the end... speNt $5 aGainzZz... all thx to my sleePp spell... hehes. (- __ -zZz)...
whoeveR can help mi... help mi...(- _ -!)
(*S.O.S - Sleeping + Overslept = Scolding...)

kekes. Gotta Get sOme deceNt reSt(^^!) GooDniGht & hOpe 2mOlo is alwaYs a betteR day... (*@ leaSt i hOpe sooOooo...) Hope toDay mistake (*lateness) will be forgo & 2mOlo i'll be eaRly... hehes. (*cRoss fingers)



ToOk BM (*Bronze Medallion) teSt toDay for my life-savinG... heaRt-stomPinG experienCe.. 1St time i only did sOme dRy stretChing (*waRmupPp onland) for awhile & i had to plunGe to save my "viCtim".. i felt the suDden contraCtion of my muscle due to the tempeRature diffeRent.. i felt my legs givinG way.. almoSt havinG cRamps.. but my inStructor tOld mi CRAMP = Immediate Failure.. i hang on theRe.. manaGed to save my fRiend (*siNkinG peRson...) & wiThin the time ranGe.. *phew!

The teSt waS divideD into seveRal paRts... moSt inteRestinG waS the initiative teSt^^!) cuz theRe will be a Given senario whiCh we goTta obseRve & aCt aCcordinGly... (- __ -") anY1 waNna GueSs what's S.O.S in lifesavinG Codec^^?) it's nOt Save Our Soul... nOr the naVy (*Save Our Ship)... neitheR is Save OurSelf.. we aCtually cRack our bRains oveR this S.O.S thinGy & our inStrucTor alSo stuNt.. Anyway, is Safety,Observation,SpeeD(~~<) sOme ppl miGht say Chey.. but it's quite loGical.

Had a GreaT day toDay sPent @ sCh(~~!) thouGh moRninG almoSt late fOr claSses... i ruShed to sCh aS i kinDa oveRslept due to yStday lateniGht chaT wiTh kiki.. i gueSs.. lonGgg time nv see le goTta alOtsa to catChupPp bah... hehes. (- -,")

sinCe sCh staRted i kinDa hypeRaCtive^^!) Got club eveNts, CCA, sCh woRk etc... but i gueSs one thinG is i neeD to shOw my cOmmittment to bOth my sTudieS & CCA... dunNo whetheR i'll tiDe over thiS semester crisis (~_~")

onCe aGain i'm off to bed... thouGh afteR a day of wOrk i still feel enerGertic^^!) 2mOlo end sCh @ 1pm... GonNa go gym to do sOme toneupPp^^?) anY1:? hehes.

kiki~ GoOdniGhtzZz & swEetydReams.. sLeEptiGht & sounD... 2mOlo leSson @ 8am! Hope wOnt' be late... HuGgies(~~!)



ToOk BM (*Bronze Medallion) teSt toDay for my life-savinG... heaRt-stomPinG experienCe.. 1St time i only did sOme dRy stretChing (*waRmupPp onland) for awhile & i had to plunGe to save my "viCtim".. i felt the suDden contraCtion of my muscle due to the tempeRature diffeRent.. i felt my legs givinG way.. almoSt havinG cRamps.. but my inStructor tOld mi CRAMP = Immediate Failure.. i hang on theRe.. manaGed to save my fRiend (*siNkinG peRson...) & wiThin the time ranGe.. *phew!

The teSt waS divideD into seveRal paRts... moSt inteRestinG waS the initiative teSt^^!) cuz theRe will be a Given senario whiCh we goTta obseRve & aCt aCcordinGly... (- __ -") anY1 waNna GueSs what's S.O.S in lifesavinG Codec^^?) it's nOt Save Our Soul... nOr the naVy (*Save Our Ship)... neitheR is Save OurSelf.. we aCtually cRack our bRains oveR this S.O.S thinGy & our inStrucTor alSo stuNt.. Anyway, is Safety,Observation,SpeeD(~~<) sOme ppl miGht say Chey.. but it's quite loGical.

Had a GreaT day toDay sPent @ sCh thouGh moRninG almoSt late fOr claSses... i ruShed to sCh aS i kinDa oveRslept due to yStday lateniGht chaT wiTh kiki.. i gueSs.. lonGgg time nv see le goTta alOtsa to catChupPp bah... hehes. (- -,")

sinCe sCh staRted i kinDa hypeRaCtive^^!) Got club eveNts, CCA, sCh woRk etc... but i gueSs one thinG is i neeD to shOw my cOmmittment to bOth my sTudieS & CCA... dunNo whetheR i'll tiDe over thiS semester crisis (~_~")

onCe aGain i'm off to bed... thouGh afteR a day of wOrk i still feel enerGertic>

GoOdniGhtzZz & swEetydReams.. sLeEptiGht & sounD... 2mOlo leSson @ 8am! aRgh... HuGgies(>

Monday, December 13, 2004

miSsed mi not... miSs yOu lOts...

miSsed mi not... miSs yOu lOts...
it's been decades sinCe i laSt blog... (*time really flies...) in the flaSh of a blink my cOmp gOt viRus, system file coRrupted.. then i goTta reformat my comp after i baCkupPp all my files... (*whiCh tOok mi mOnths cuz i got sCh eveNts... camps etc^^,)

i enjoyeD my hOlidays thouGh alOtsa thinGs haPpened whiCh i really din waNna bloG sooOoo i can forGet all the unhapPineSs, and viCe versa... the haPpy thinGs i've experience whiCh i waNna it to be of my memories...

DreaminG of...
noThinG in paRticular i'm dReaminG of but to cOmplete my stuDies & to be an all-rounder students^^!) cuRrently undertaking Lifesaving... tOok 1st aid course & thought of goinG for advanCe 1st aid course... medic sounDs like fun~~!)

i'm into taekwondo alSo.. but is kinDa like a form of exercise to mi wheReby i stretCh my muscle.. tRyinG to do split but i doubt i'll be able to do it..
No pain no Gain !~Jiayo~!

(!^^Upcoming Events^^!)
Christmas Charity Canival-
i felt useleSs being the VP of my couRse club... will sOme1 pleaSe enliGhten mi"?)
ChanNel5 is the only waY of coMmunication with my club members aS moSt of them is malays... i had to keEp smilinG thouGh i dunNo what they sayinG...

laSt weEk i meet them uPp to discuSs on the upcominG eveNts... C.C.C- they aCtually toLd mi wHy suDdenly hold a meeting... (*they shOulda be =) duRing the holidays no meeting...) then i tOld them reGarding the eveNts... they tOld mi to boycott it cuz gOt other committments.. althouGh i unDerstanD hOw tightupPp with the schedule, but muSt unDerstand the upPer manaGement weNt thru' quite aloTsa thinGy to organise thiS eveNts...

i'm loSt for woRds... but the eveNts will Go on~

i got loTsa thinGs to say... & it seems that i still pour out sOme of the unhaPpineSs in mi... but one thinG i'll reminD myself of~
that's to "alwaYs lOok on the bRight siDe of life...) :/

GooD luCk for my LifesavinG teSt 2mOlo...
GoOdniGht & swEetdReams to .:yOu:. ~kiki~
Huggies & slEeptiGht~~,")