Lurve the S.U.N!!!
whoa.. been unDer the S.U.N for few days... (*FiShing, swimming, join intRoduCtory scuba diving, helping out in eveNts etc..
nOw that i'm buRn.. i'm burned.. enouGh is enouGh("?) nah.. i gueSs i cannOt get enuff of SunliGhtzZz..
-nOw that it's niGhttime that i kinDa miSs the sun..
Went out alOne to see the Sunrise.. to soRt out my thouGhts.
Waited for the Sunset, i wOnder why.
Why muSt there be a reaSon for eveRything?
Because Life is a mystery for us to discover?
Easier Said than Done..
No QueStiOn asked becauSe there is more than one answer to anything..
Seeking for the tRuth..
Or the Answers..
Need the clues..
Able to reaCh out to the mass..
Being Faithful to oneself.
LeaRning to Trust.
Early biRd gets the worm-
Limits is bRoken.
Offer the beSt solutiOn.
Give Hope.
Say your pRayers..
Prepare for the laSt stRaw..
Operational Readiness.
Take the riSk
Complete the unacomplish
Offer what you have to get what you want.
Make Life eaSier..
i wanteD to cOmplete this blog..
Finally i can go Zzz le..niGhtzZz.. (O__+!)