juSt feel like.. Just felt like..
i'm making anOther poSt cuz i've juSt finiShed my BC!!
(*Bronze Cross a.k.a Lifesaving offshore advanced cert)
But, i'm still pRe-occupied.. People calling me late @ night to ask me this and that.. Tell me this and that.. i'm not siCk of all this.. neither i'm pleased.
*i'm about to break?
nah.. i'm not so weak, neither i'm veRy strong.. But what i'm going through is part of my life experience that i have to face so as to withstand future disorder..
i gueSs in life, you do things and wish people to recognise you.. But it's not everytime people appreciate what you do or did for them.. i'm pRetty sad but i asked myself wHy shoulda i waSte my energy on this people.. *scRatch my head..
But, there's one particular person who's really pis*ing me off (*Sorry about the language used..)
Hopefully everyone can becareful, as, in life we will meet all sort of people.. Do beware of people who don't appreciate what you did and lie to you.. (*Something everyone hates.. And befalling on me juSt does;n't feel good.. and i won;t feel bad either if there's a chance that retribution might fall on him.. For he caused me pain and it was pure toture..) i'm washing my hands off him.
it's Good to splur out our feelings and/or thoughts, that's why i'm pretty straight-forward at times because i want to get the point across.. But @ times i have to keep to myself because i know what i say is going to hurt the other person (*Perhaps he wasn;t even worthy to be call, my friend)
But that is when back-stabbing (_indirectly_) comes in..
*When you speak evil of someone behind his back, and everyone seems to agree.. What does it mean("?) rotten apple i would say.. Everyone had a taste of it and complains.. Behind the bad apple.. but does it help? the rotten apple stays rotten because no1. nurture it.. Leaving it to rot even further, and many others to taste it and complain again.. Like a Plague that spread.
But even if someone try to nurture the rotten apple, i asked:"Will a leopard change its spot?"
i think i rather be lied, then to know the truth that always hurts..
-What you don't know, won't hurt you..
But he is just suCh a bad liar.. Or he cannot escape from my clutch..
Whatever will be, will be.
In life, we have to give and take..
i Guess i've given all i could, taken & swallow all the grudges so as to attain peaCe..
Tell me, will there be world war.. It did happen.
i've always Look forward to World Peace.. But tRying to seek inner Peace..
Perhaps i should try yoga.
Till then, takecare..
2ml will going be another, long day.