Saturday, June 25, 2005

Multi-task? nah.. i'm not cut for it.

it's been a longg time since i've been here.
Life been pretty.. pretty busy.

If time = Money.
i would have spent alotsa money.. But have no regrets.
Days ticks time away.. A sec waste is never to be recover.
But as long as you think the time spent is worth that sec (*Like i'm spending secs' & minutes on my blog.. But it is worth it as it's my way of relieving my stRess.)

But seriously, i like stReSs! That explains why i haven't blog for quite some times.. >_<
Instead, streSsing myself is the way to relieve the pain of my everyday life.
Be it physical, mentally, emotionally.
It's a test for me, i believe.

Silent is Gold.
And i really experienCe doing, rather that talking and nth is done.
For now, i'm veRy very confused.
For my future lies ahead, and i've no directiOn..
There's tOo many things i can do, precisely that's wHy i'm at lost.
There's no limits to what i can do.
Because i believe i could, i can.

i'm pretty muChz optimistic?
nah.. i cried while talking to.. (*You doN't have to kknOw who as it doeSn't matter. i cried.)
it's been sOme time sinCe i last cried..
could'nt really understand why sOme1. like me, seemingly strong having my own softspots..
i ain't sOme cry baby.. Perhaps i talk too muChz, i had to expreSs myself differently. To cry.

i always believe, believe what you say.
You have no reasons to lie to me, even if you did, you'll have nothing to gain from it.
Because you'Re sinned.

3 Major Sin one can commit:
1-3 Least - Most cruel sin.
1) Think
When you think of doing a sth bad, it's already a sin.
Not as offending as you'Re the only one who knOws what you'Re thinking..
Duh.. i can;t read your mind right..

2) Speak
An aCtion.
You gonna be responsible for this..
As words spread faster that you thought...
There's no turning baCkz.

3) Do.
When you committed this sin.. it's the furthest one can go about, by doing.
Doing hurts as aCtion speaks louder that words..
in the proceSs, you might get hurt too..
Why get baCkz to some1 then? i won't feel haPpy.
That's so saddist.

Tip of the day:
1) See no Evil
2) Speak no Evil
3) Fulfilling 1,2. No evil can be done.

World Peace.
Hand in hand, we could do it.

Now believe when i say, ILOVEYOU.
Love is all around.
Goodnitez & sWeetdReams.
Sleeptitez & may the Angels watCh over you as the devils stay at bay.

Missing you..

Friday, June 03, 2005

What's left is all i had not done.

Time to relax..

LonGgg time sinCe i came here because i was buSy.. busy.. buSy..
holiday was usual sChoOl day for me..

i've found what i've always been lOoking for.

You should'nt cry for some1. who's not worth your tears, hope i'm worth.. But i make you happy.

Takecare all ya..
Love & miSsya...