Saturday, July 30, 2005


i do things and give my 100%
To test my limits, give my 101% and you'll get what you want..
Trying hard to control my temper (Which is very very easy as i ain't hot temper)
Trying to control my emotion (As i'm strong.. am i?)

But i'm just wOndering why there's still suCh ppl who want to test my limits.
People who wants respect, vice versa give it back.
Take things for granted, and don't expect ppl to give it baCk to you.

Though i always give respect to
1) People who are older than me as wisdom grow with age (But i still have the benefit of doubts, as people who are older doesn't mean you're wiser or mature whatsoever.)
i'm pretty straightforward, i either talk it to your faCe, or don't. (*Do not like to waste time on people who is not worth..)

Above all mentioned, i'm just wonDering sinCe when i've become suCh a person!
Perhaps due to pressure from several area..
Everyone tells me, the real woRking world is more cruel..
Though i think i've met all sort of ppl, they're always evolving i gueSs..

Being a free-thinker ain't easy..
Harcial Harmony? Not really true..
What i want and what i need?
Reading up boOks to strengthen my spiritual emotions is crucial.

If only i was Deaf, blind, mute.
i wld rather SEE/HEAR/SPEAK NO EVIL!

i'm afraid one day i might break, but i'm keeping my faith.
Afraid one day i might fade, for that i just pray.

G.O.D B.L.E.S.S!

Schedule to keep up with!
5thAug - CCN DAY! (Sell things to help the less fortunate)
5th AUG - Join Street soCcer with my fRiends ($15, owe $ pay $ please._. haha)

7th AUG05' - Open Water Lifesaving Competition! C'mon & feel the heat!
12thAUG05' ASHRAE AGM! Hear what i have to say, join us!
19th-20th AUG05' Dip'Leadership Camp
20thAUG - Director's List (Helpout)

28AUG05' Still Water! Lifesaving Competition~
(4X25m Manikin Tow here * WE * come!)
Hope to proclaim the honour again, of Overall Champion!
Thereafter, Australia!

Recently alOtsa ppl falling siCkz..
Though last sat 23July05' i sprained my leg, i wondered what i recovered so fast!
My Body mechanism roCkz!

Takecare all ya..

Love is heartfelt, as always, it's the thoughts that counts.
My thoughts :0 Heartfelt thanks to those who shown care & concern in times of difficulties..
For those otherwise, i beg to defer.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

2005 NUS Lifesaving Invitational

2005 NUS Lifesaving Invitational
Overall Man Champion
Overall Champion 2005!

Though i did not win any medals (*due to my teammates..)
i'm unhappy, but i'm not angry. (Special thanks to Eunice for enlightening me..)
But i'm still happy that we put in our very best effort..

There was aCtually a team with national's swimmer.. The pressure was there but surprisingly, no sweat.
i think i almOst lost my voiCe while cheering..

Oki dOki..
Sat, Sun will be oCcupied by training @ Sentosa to prepare us for Open and still water competition.

oh ya..
i was thrown into pOol as a foRm of "celebration"..
There goes my phone.

Thanks for pushing me.
i'm a push-around..
am i?


Friday, July 15, 2005


-Student Internship Program

Major Project - Final Year Project

Not muChz have been done as two of my group members.. MAPLESTORY!
i hate games!! waSte time.. but still it's the in thing now.. gueSs i'm out -.-

anyway, been buSy lately with sCh, CCA's & suCh..
it ain't easy holding a few position as the pressure is there to suppress..
But i still can breathe, contrOl my temper (Not veRy surprise._.haha._.)
committed? or am i spreading my commitments? /(-__shake-_-head__-)
Lifesaving (Very impt!)
i quit tkd (In sCh) as i though i can learn sth new (whiCh i did).
No regrets.
But i still miss my friends over at tkd...
Ok, abit regret.

But the things i've learn in Lifesaving is effortless..

3 Skills to take note.
1) Technical (Technique)
2) Fitness level (at which level?)
3) Mental (It's all in the mind.)

Coach said if you wakeup in the morning take your pulse,
count 6sec X10 =60secs
Means your pulse rate/min.

if 1 heart beat/sec.
Very fit.
Geez! i toOk and was 7-8!
almost therE!
Do try and feel whether you're fit? haha..

i've fulfill 1) 2) 3).
What's next?
but i'm still not there yet.. there's always people better than us..
Though we might not be the champ, but it's the process that counts right?
haha.. @ least i'll feel better if i think this way!

16thJuly,05 (Sat)
NUS Lifesaving Invitation

17ThJuly05 (Sun)
Lifesaving Open-sea training @ Sentosa! wohOo! here i come!!
10am till late..very late..

Subsequent every sat,sun will be same as above mentioned (*Sun) till last Sun of Aug05'
Because that will be the Competition.
Guess sat tkd is out, sun soCcer is down..

What's next?
TP'ASHRAE (IBT - My course roCkz!)
IC of AGM.
But alOtsa things happening here and there...

arGh! Gtg._.
Be baCkz for more mind-blogging!
