Life is good, and it can be better.Everytime, when life passes by me and i've come to yet anOther fullstop.
Graduating from Temasek Polytechnic with a Diploma in Intelligent Building Technology in few weeks time once i clear my final two examination paper.
Well well, what can one expeCt for when you know life is good.. & time flies.. Looking baCk, all the sweet memories left behind by my friends.. soulmate.. teaCher.. family. Important peOple of my life whom craved me of who i am now, somehow.
We learn as we teaCh, vice versa.
Valuable adviCe, piece of the mind.. We see,hear,smell,feel different things every moment..
How niCe will that be if sOmeone else feel the same way as we feel. Of course, there bound to be anOther person who might be experiencing the same treats, or unjustice..
Whatever your mind can concieve, it can aChieve.
Take absolute Control, drive your own life.There's all sort of people from all walk of life, but moSt importantly is to follow your heart and dOn't be blind and affeCted by the others. For the three years in my polytechnic life, i've experience lOtsa things and perhaps have an upper edge as compare to the others being the Asst.Publicity,V.P,P, of TP'ASHRAE - My course interest group, and also the V.Captain of TP'Lifesaving.
Sometimes i feel, it's the trust that people have in you, and in yourself that makes me a better person. I have and will always give my 110% to give what i promised.
In life we make lOtsa decision, so make it wise.
Having people to lOok up to me really feels good, likewise i always lOok out for the others and always willing to go the extra mile juSt to lent a helping hand in whiChever way within my own limits.. But though sOme people take things for granted, but i always feel that i've learnt a valuable leSson even if i'm being taken advantages of, or bully, or wronged.
Well, everyone have eyes to see.
Thy devil may cry, but is just wolf in sheep disguise.i'm disgusted by what haPpen, to my fellow "friend" who crossed the line, was in the wrong but still dare to "scold vulgarity" - "Point Fingers" - "Threaten" the innocence.. Me.
Well, let's all pray hard for this person who tries to take credit for something by underhand means and that he did not contribute muCh though.. really.
Let the truth speaks for itself, for the devil shall not win as the Good will triumph!
It's good to have plans, for then we at leaSt know what's going to happen, and make it happen.
Well, it's never tOo late and you can start planning now.
What you want to do, where you want to go, how you going to aChieve it, when, who etc.
Haha.. No one should ever say - You think tOo muCh le.. Inevitably, we live because we're thinking. The day when we stop thinking.. is the day when our heart stop beating..
The vessal of everything stops.. pumping blood through our system.. and we stop..
The full-stop hits everyone someday, so treasure what we have.
HaPpy Valentine to all Lovebirds out there, and ohh!! haPpy Friendship Day!Inbetween you and me, there is us.
There is where my heart is, beating for you.