Friday, March 31, 2006

All in a Day's wOrk =/

As far as i know humans is complicated,
n' men will never uds women..
But i really don't know what is happening to me..

Perhaps got hit on the nail by some of my friends/lecturer etc that i should always stand my ground n' don't be tOo helpful in a sense that i get ridden on n' taken for granted.

But to me, the credits doesn't matter..
As long as i'm learning n' everyone have eyes to see me that i'll accomplish what i'm doing, n' do it in order to be successful in years to comes.

Handling all sorts of people really takes a lot of experience..
Not missing out the sour, bitter feelings that may be endorse within you may cause you to be paranoid.. frantic.. or.. oOps. think i better maintain a positive mindset before anything really happens.. Keep your cOol!

Overdosage will cause unforeseen circumstances in which you must really take care of yourself not to get tOo agitated/jealous etc. over someone or whatsoever.

My portfolio is just beside me waiting for me to slot in new cert's although i've already sort out the other cert's.. But i ran out of the folder to slip in my certs! Argh..
Life is all about paper? Or otherwise proven..

In the end, you'll still be ask of your resume, portfolio etc.
It matters. Does it? Of course.
It plays a part.

That's why life is not "all" about paper..
That's is just the beginning, n' what follows is another beginning.
THE END.?. Sparkles another new beginning..

My tears started flowing for no reason ='/
think i'M tOo tired to control my tears gland
but i'll survive thru' the night..
It's just another night! For it's all in a days' work.

LoOking forward for Week Zero ENG - Freshmen Orientation Camp because.. i'll increase my publicity! Gonna cheer n' shout my lungs out!

Reminder for major upcoming events date:
What's installed for me(^^?)

FA's Meeting for extensive cheering Session! (Warmup)
Main Meet Sub-comm Day!
ENGenius Training Camp! (ETC)
Student Leader Training Camp (SLTC)
Week Zero ENG - FOC!

(- ______ -)
i love ENG, always.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Run for life.

Well, yesterday out of sudden i went running/jogging @ Bedok Reservoir.
Then i went to swim abt 2km @ pool.. Haha.. think i'M improving but right now it's just self-training to better prepare myself when i enter the army..

Last tiMe, i used to run (*out of a sudden) when i'm sad..
Well.. this tiMe round no exemption but i'm not really sure what i'm sad of though i'm always 'trying' to maintain a positive n' optimistic mindset..

- The truth always hurts but gueSs i'm just trying to run away=?

Though i haven;t recieve my letter yet (thank god!), but i really hope to go into the army (2yrs) n' then cont'd with what's the future may bring n' destiny i may face.. Had a small conversation with my club advisor who haPpen to be there for a swim._.

Dr CKK: You came sch just to swim? (*now is holiday)
Me: Hm.. Ya? Run then came to swim.. self-training.
Dr CKK: Preparing for army? When ya gg in?
Me: Haven't recieve letter yet, but most probably July/Oct?
Dr CKK: So what you doing currently before gg in? Any plans after army?
Me: Con-currently ongoing events until april.. then perhaps wOrk=?
Dr CKK: icic.. gg Uni?
Me: ... Still thinking what i'M really interested in n' whether i can get in ...
Dr CKK: it's good to plan. Gtg.
Me: Ok.. Thanks!

- Ideas ran through my mind what's next!
OMG. Guess i just do what i came here for.. Swim!!
i just kept swimming.. with various thoughts fluttering around..

Take one step @ a time!! i gueSs so.. nth much i can do now.
Worry or not, one day will pass so why worry! argh..
but i just can't swim away from my problem..

Should i.. or shouldn't i.. =/
Can i.. or can't i?
May i.. or may i?
Do i.. or do i?

n' the list goes on...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

My schedule this week.. =P

Can't believe..
i'M packed for the whOle of this week though it's Holiday!
Well, sinCe when did i had a real holiDay.. But i'm loving it.

Monday - Meeting with Advisor;
Handover task to new elected Captain,Vice-Capt, QM
Hand-in Scholarship, Merit Award, Team of the Year application forms.
*Cross-fingers... Really hope to get all the awards! =P

- E-Innovation Smarthome Workshop briefing

- E-Innovation Smarthome Day1; 1.30-4.00
To guide/tour sec students around SH Lab!T

- E-Innovation Smarthome Day2; 1.30-4.00
To guide/tour sec students around SH Lab!

- S'pore Lifesaving Society,
Annual General Meeting 2006 (SLSS AGM)
Well, invited to this AGM as they wanna present Letter of Appreciation to ppl who have contributed one way or another to the SLSS (including me!) and officially handover of task/position to the new committee._.

Firday - Facilitator's (FA's) Meeting!
To get to know the FA's Comm n' to create team-bonding n' cheers in order to better facilitate the ENGenius Training Camp (ETC), n' Week Zero Freshmen Orientation Camp (FOC).. Rock onz!

Saturday - FOC Main Comm meeting
OMG. My sat.. Perhaps shall meetup with Clement for my TKD.
Been MIA for months due to my lifesaving training.. But it's definately worth it given the contribution n' achievements i've obtain/attain =P

Sunday - Soccer + Celebrating Buddy B'day (CS!)
Well, still wonDering what to get for my buddy although his GF already though of buying a pair of shoe worth $180.. Worth it? We shall see.

And next week will be yet another challenging week for me..
Perhaps i'll be going for advance diving course (To experience Night Dive!)
But shall be more mentality prepared this tiMe round..

Whatever that i might face.. haha.. But It's really F.U.N

Friday, March 17, 2006

Scuba Diving

SCUBA - Self-Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

Just came baCk from diving trip @ Pulau AUR (Adventure Underwater Resort)
whiCh takes about 4hrs+ to Mersing, 3-5hrs+ of boat ride depending on the water condition.. 0.O

Okok.. Talking about the unforgiving roCky water conditions.. i'm getting giddy again =/
Update tmr.. argh. it's sat n' i still need to go sCh for meeting..

Well, i ask for it. -o-
Goodnight everyone.

- Love is poisonous.. n' the only cure of remedy is to love n' be love in return to neutralize the poison.
But.. but.. i'm poison.

Still loving you as i thought i'll be.. For love is everlasting.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

i'M broke.. But i'll be riCher.

Spent alMost a thousand in leSs than 3weeks..
Bangkok trip - $550++
Diving trip - $400++

Ok. Perhaps more than 1k le..
Well, but @ least i'm riCher in terms of experience.
Did research before i went thailand..

For my diving trip i have up to 142pages of notes to read-up in less than 6days [Departing on 13thMar06']
But now now i'm still hanging in the middle of my Lifesaving Manual due to the teSt for Higher Award tmr.. [8thMar06', Wed] n' exams results coming out on this fri or sat! OMG.

GOD BleSs.

Well, it's not tOo bad at all.
At leaSt overall i did learn soMething out of everything.

- Change is the only constant.

Friday, March 03, 2006

Back to baCk sChedule.

i'M Back!
From Bangkok [23rd-27thMar06'] n' my faMily [Mom,Dad,Granny] welcOmed me @ Changi Airport. (^ ^,) i always knEw i could count on them.

But then..
1st-3rdMar06' i weNt for 3D2N Chalet!! Argh..
LeSs than one Day i've bEen @ home then i'M off aGain..
But Home is definately not like the hOtel where i cOme n' go as n' when i like..

Had lOtsa fun @ the Chalet BBQ'ing, Bingo, cocktail, a lil' drink n' Jam N'Hop etc.
i juSt lurve snapping my fingers on taking candid shOts~ Chez!
i really doN;t knOw what to Blog now because i had had t(Oo,) muCh fun alreaDy..
On the 28thFeb06' one day after i came back to S'pore n' my whOle body was itching to swim.. But i had one whOle day of meeting n' appOintments, end up only having one hour of "Free Time" to swim, before i met my friends for Dinner n' had few "sips" of Chivas i brought in from the Duty-Free Shop @ the airport for my friends.

Well, what are friends for. (^ ^,)

Hopefully i can aChieve better results in my timing on next wednesday test for my Lifesaving - Award Of Merit
But i'M sure i'll do a great job as usual. (*Pray Hard i dOn;t fall siCk man..

PS: For those friend waNna pixs, c'mOn n' get some.

- Home Sweet Home -
Here am i aGain.