Monday, November 27, 2006

There's always a reason to be happy.

My granny is helping one of her friend's take care of this lil' fellow, Wilson. He is roughly 10months n' he really brought alot of fun n' laughter especially to my granny. Before wilson came, my granny will be home-alone most of the time as the rest of us are off-to-work...

Thanks for everything!
You've been part of our family~(^ ^,)
Blissful Life.

My first batch of recruits...

It’s been 4months since my Passing out Parade (POP)…

And in a blink of the eyes my first batch of recruits under me (Plt1 – Vipers) successfully POP’ed on the 22ndNov06’. As far as I’m happy that all of my recruits under A’Coy “survived” their recruit days, but I’ll definitely miss some of the good old times when I check on them from time to time, routine basis.

Although I devoted most of my time shuffling my schedule around handling n’ managing the recruits, but I believed I’ve learned a lot more than I thought I could have been taught out-of-classroom environment.

A lot of things happened through my first intake, I just hope that everything will get even better as it has always been for me somehow or rather, one way or another.

– Just as thoughts flows…
During the final bunk inspection, I actually accidentally tripped the circuitry board connection as I was inspecting for lighters or cigarettes and I’m pretty sure that some current went through me... All the connections seem to form, between the time during the enlistment week until now… I was just wondering what exactly I was doing there at the point of time.

Perhaps I’m just fulfilling my duties as part of serving the National Service (NS), or by chance I happen to be there to make a different to all those under my charge. At least I hope so that most of them change for the better…

- 27thNov06’ (Monday)
Today, all of them will receive their respective posting to further enhance their potential skills in various vocations. Though I may not be able to be there physically to send them off, but I wish them all the best in their future endeavors.

P/s: Well, I’m getting my deserved official first Full-day off! =P

A book is a present that can be open over and over again.
For to learn something, is to “unlearn” everything you knew.
Through exploring greater heights and discovering something new.

The best thing to learn is…
- If there’s a will, there’s a way.

See and Forget
Hear and Remember
Do and Understand

Saturday, November 18, 2006

A dream within reach...

Purposeful Partnerships
~ Nurturing the Future Generation

Saturday, 18thNov06'
Ngee Ann Polytechnic Convention Centre

Learning to love, and loving to learn.
I was invited and attended this ceremony which was really an "ear/eye-opener" as we gain insights of how we can serve and return favor to our school even after graduation. Critical issues were brought up to address the differences between schools with different level of partnership, and active participation methodology.

The stakeholders in education play their role effectively helping our children learn better and reach their fullest potential using the right catalyst that caters to different needs of support group. Apart from funding which is often lacking, where’s all the Fun? As everyone can play a part other than contributing monetarily. Time and consensus effort is needed to create a comprehensive system whereby active role can be taken up by stakeholders.

Perhaps through the Community Involvement Project (CIP), we can initialize and incorporate activities in which encompass stakeholders as part of their Corporate Active Day (CAD).

Till then, shall put on my thinking cap.
- Working towards Learnacy, Citizenry.

The Greatness of one simple act of kindness touches another life indeed.
Contributions as a form of gratitude, comes from many walk of life.
For People don’t care how much you know, until they know how much you care.

TJJ, Benson

Friday, November 10, 2006


The brain is like a parachute, useful when open - minded.

Everyday, millions of thoughts run through our mind.
Processing, Processed, Possessed.
Well, the only possession people can't take away is your knowledge.

Seek to understand, thus be understood.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

What's your Perspectives?

Once upon a time, a traveller came across three people who is laying brick.
Curious of what they were building,
he asked ea. of them...

Traveller: "What are you doing?"
1st person: "Err... i'm just laying bricks!"
2nd person: "Hm... i'm making a Wall!"
3rd Person: "Ohh! i'm building a Castle!"

To "Err" is human [err]or.
To "Hm" is [h]uman [m]isconception
To "Ohh" is [O]utstanding [h]olistic [h]uman

Are you M.A.D?
Are you [M]aking [A] [D]ifference?

What's your perspective?
Ask yourself, n' find out today,
How you can be a better person.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

If you think life is all about work, you got to work it out.

Well, my present life revolves around "working" by the day and watches as ea. day pass by... As far as everyone is trying to work with everyone, but i guess the workplace politics is forming up like all other organisation. Even though at this point of time after what has happened, there's no use trying to pin-point anyone whom is responsible for all this back-biting/stabbing due to whatsoever reasons...

Things will never be the same again.
Though i have heard various stories from different sides and several people have consulted me, but i'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened. Perhaps due to upwards communication, no one actually have the courage to stand out and clarify matters before unhealthy imagination starts to run wild. Ok, at this point of time i think things is going to go out of hands, indirectly straining and affecting ea. other working relationship until things or thoughts is straighten out...

Bridge of Trust... Breach of trust...
In my opinion, trust is a bridge that support and build rapport and promote cohesion through working together with one another, for the underlying fact is to flow along with the current in the given directions in hope of achieving the goals and objectives.

Never underestimate the struggle of power,
For the raw taste of blood allure a man evil side.
In the globe drawn with unknown forces,
Of what chain reactions with adverse effect
Done unto yet another innocent soul.

Wish Of the Day
1) Hope things will clear up just like the haze.