Seeking to understand, before we are understood.
It's not about...
It's not about staying when everyone else has left...
It's not about holding it back when nobody cares...
It's not about staring into the blank when there's too much time left...
You might ask yourself at times:" What have i achieved in life?"
But have you ever try taking time out of this rat race in life?
Try putting everything to a stop but your mind is still spinning with question of the 5 W's... Why... What... Who... Where... When... Can you ever define your own W'isdom? Whether it's about knowing everyone and/or everything, or it's about knowing nothing at all to beginning with, n' be happy.
He who laughs, lasts.
Who will have the last laugh? *Grins*
It's rude to laugh at people - Subjective.
Laugh at rude people - Perspective.
Laugh at yourself - Contradictive.
There's always two side to everything.
As the early bird catches the worms,
the early worms get caught by the birds.
We shall see what's installed for 2007~
As long as you believe... that love is all around.
The source of love is overwhelming, it makes the world go round.
So spread the love around, n' share it with somebody (,^^(^ ^,)
For shared happiness, double blissfulness!