A trip to Kelong Acheh - M'sia, Mersing
Destination: Kelong Acheh [29Jun-1stJul07']
Estimated Travel Time (ETT): 3hrs+ depending on road/weather condition
8am - Pickup from Kranji Mrt
8.15 - Woodlands Checkpt
10.30 - M'sia, Mersing
11.00 - Mersing, Kelong Acheh [<15mins boat ride]
Total Cost: Kelong 3D2N RM260, Transport S$38/pax = <$170
Facilities: Basic accommodation of a typical attap roof over your head, thin sheet of mattress, pillow [very soft], blanket [just a piece of cloth...] 2 Fans installed in the room although the wind is blowing 24/hrs [Can accommodate up to 15+ people/room]. There's fencing and water point [tap] installed around the kelong which makes the place much safer n' convenient for user to fish n' wash our hands anytime of the day.
The kelong is designed in such a way by building the attap house on a "2nd" storey which provide shades n' utilise the limited space. The toilet is installed with everything [almost] we need which includes a rack, Mirror, toilet bowl, tap/shower head. The door is closed but still have many open holes. [Read: Toilet made with Wood, with a roof over your head.
Entertainment: Self. [Though there is KTV set, tv, Mahjong etc.. You have to be self-entertaining or motivated to do something apart from fishing and/or appreciating the scenary.
Breakfast, Lunch, Teabreak, Dinner, Supper is served daily at the stipulated time without fail. Special request can be made prior to advanced notice to cook the fishes you caught. FRESH! [P/S: There's BBQ pit but is based on special n' first-come-first serve request]
The sunrise/set is one of the ideal moments to share with your love ones, but the full moon hang over the dark clouds which affected the current over the past few days. Monsoon season.
Rating: 7/10 [Recommended; Would go again; Almost prefect place to chill]
Return Trip
Took almost the same time except for the fact it rain quite heavily for a period of time which slows down the traffic n' extended the travel time. Durians were out of question unless you wanna get drench.
Bottomline: Enjoyable trip with the right company. (^ ^,)